mercredi 2 novembre 2016
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Every year, the Decade of Vaccines secretariat[1] prepares a report which summarizes the progress against each of the GVAP goals (coverage, disease elimination, vaccine prices, NITAGs…). This report is the best source of information available to have a clear picture of the situation in all the areas of work of the Immunization world (research, procurement, logistic, delivery, demand…).

This year, the GVAP Secretariat report 2016 is composed of several pieces:

1) The usual GVAP secretariat report (all Goals and Strategic Goals indicators)

2) Six regional progress reports

3) Seven priority countries progress reports

4) The Score Cards for Immunization summarizing the immunization coverage for all antigens and for all countries from 2000 to 2015

All those documents serve as the basis for the independent review conducted by the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on immunization (SAGE). SAGE GVAP Assessment report will be published soon and will then be discussed at the World Health Assembly.

The SAGE Decade of Vaccines (DoV) Secretariat Report 2016 and the National Immunization Coverage Scorecards estimates 2016 are now available and can be accessed from the WHO GVAP web page

To facilitate the exploration of the data, some data visualizations that measure progress against the goals and strategic objectives of the GVAP have been made available on the website.

We encourage you to share your opinions or ask questions about these visualizations on the forum.

For further information on the Decade of Vaccines and the Global Vaccine Action Plan please see the GVAP webpage or email the DoV Secretariat ([email protected]).

[1] The Decade of Vaccines secretariat comprises the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gavi the Vaccine Alliance, UNICEF, the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the World Health Organization (WHO).

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