Jeudi 18 Juin 2015
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Passing along a great blog post written by Erin Fry Sosne at PATH after taking her son to the clinic for his vaccinations earlier today.

Would you go back?

Today is my son’s six-month birthday, and my husband and I took him in for his six-month pediatric appointment. He was due for his third and final doses of TDaP, Hib and IPV (pentavalent), HepB, PCV and rotavirus vaccines – only there was no rotavirus vaccine in stock. My state-of-the-art pediatric practice in Washington, DC, had a stock-out. Working on vaccine policy, I hear about stock-outs all of the time. Parents (usually moms) walk for miles and make other sacrifices to bring their babies to health clinics for their vaccines, only to find that the clinic has run out of the vaccine or the order never arrived. For me, this is a mere inconvenience. When the clinic calls that the vaccine is back in stock, I will walk the few blocks with my son, wait a few minutes to see the nurse, and likely show up to work an hour late. For millions of families around the world who aren’t as lucky as my family, the decision to return carries much more weight and burden. - See more at:

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