
WHY FRIDGES FAIL PART 2: RTM Data for Maintenance

A cold chain expert and a Ministry of Health (MOH) technician used Nexleaf Analytics’ ColdTrace

remote temperature monitoring (RTM) dashboard data to remotely identify every failing fridge in

Gaza Province, Mozambique. They then visited or called those 27 clinics with failing fridges, diagnosed

and attempted to fix the failures, verified repairs using the ColdTrace dashboard, and documented all of

their findings and actions.

This report includes key findings such as a list of the most common fridge failures, temperature

signatures that uniquely identify failures, and spare parts and tools required to address most of

the cold chain equipment issues. The report ends with concrete short-term and long-term

recommendations for the MOH and stakeholders.


  • Anglais


Mozambique Ministry of Health, Nexleaf Analytics and VillageReach




  • Données

Références sur le sujet


Temperature Monitoring for Vaccine QualityPATH, World Health Organization (WHO)2012Case studyAnglais, Français
WHY FRIDGES FAIL PART 2: RTM Data for MaintenanceMinistry of Health, Mozambique, Nexleaf Analytics, VillageReachGuidanceAnglais

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