We're Grateful for You!


The spirit of the season is upon us and we’re encouraged to be joyful, charitable, generous, kind, and forgiving—behaviors that might not come to us as easily this year given the stress we’ve all been under. AIRA staff see you acting out the spirit of the season by generously giving your valuable time to the COVID-19 vaccine response, especially on weekends and holidays. By giving so generously, you’re giving power, collectively, to the spirit of the season and also the enormous undertaking of getting vaccine to everyone who needs it.

This is our third in a series of short emails with easy (and free!) tips to help you de-stress. We hope you’ll find these tips useful. In addition to offering tips to help you de-stress, we’re also here to help you as you continue to navigate COVID-19 vaccine response and your day-to-day work. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Being generous with our gratitude and showing recognition are easy ways to change your mindset, improve your mood, and engage at a higher level. It also helps you build trusting relationships. (Read more about the neuroscience of trust from Harvard Business Review.) It can feel hard to pull yourself out of a negative mindset but practicing gratitude and generously giving it can actually bring joy into our lives.

Did you know? You can cultivate a gratitude mindset.

Tip: Develop an attitude of gratitude. One simple step to help shift your way of thinking is to practice expressing your gratitude. For example, start a gratitude journal and jot down a few things you’re grateful for at the end of each day. Or, set a reminder at certain points throughout the day to say something out loud that you’re grateful for.

