Wednesday, 15 February 2017
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One interesting post from PAHO in the Global Immunization Newsletter (GIN), January 2017.

The Global eHealth report, recently released includes a case study on Electronic Immunization Registries (EIR) in Latin America. This case study highlights the fact that Latin America is home to some of the oldest computerized immunization registers in the world. Also, that to date, many countries in Latin America have been working toward implementing electronic immunization registries, seeking to improve immunization data quality and facilitate better data availability at all levels of the immunization programme. It also mentions that EIR are considered as potentially useful tools to reach the goals stated in the Regional Immunization Action Plan [of the Americas].

The eHealth Report highlights the “Improving Data Quality for Immunization (IDQi)” Project, a PAHO initiative to help countries decide whether, when and how to introduce and/or expand EIRs. Best practices on EIR development and implementation, identified from various countries in the context of the IDQi initiative, include the following:

  • Objectives and the scope of the EIR should be clearly established before development;
  • Implementation of the EIR should be monitored in order to address problems as soon as possible;
  • Data flow and processes should be clearly identified at the start of the project;
  • An unique identifier should be used or created, as well as capturing the entire target population;
  • EIRs need to be flexible enough to accommodate new vaccines, new schedules, etc; and
  • EIRs require investments in time and financial commitments during their entire life cycle.[AGFG1]

“Global diffusion of eHealth: making universal health coverage achievable. Report of the third global survey on eHealth. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.” Available at: – pages 22-25. [AGFG1]These are verbatim quotes from the document itself. Maybe leave them as they are?

Hi Serge, most electronic registries in Latin America and the Caribbean have a web-based plus an offline computarized version of their registries. PAHO can give you more info and examples.

7 years ago


Very interesting experience from which we should learn more.

When you say Electronic Immunization Registry, do you mean web base system or computerized system?

I presume computerized system



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