Tuesday, 12 September 2017
  1 Replies
  7K Visits

Dear Technet21 Members,

We are pleased to invite you to take part in our new survey about the WHO Performance, Quality and Safety (PQS) website. We want to make sure the website is functioning optimally for all its users, and so we are keen to learn more about why and how you use the PQS website, and what your personal experience has been.

Answering the survey questions will take around 7-10 minutes of your time. The survey will remain open until the 30th of September and shortly after that we will share what we have learnt from you. The contact details you provide will be used only for this research, and any responses you provide that are reported publicly will be made anonymous.

Please kindly access the survey on: PQS Webiste survey  (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PQSwebsite1)

If you choose not to complete the survey, but would still like to let us know your thoughts on the website, send us an email at [email protected]

Thank you for your participation and for supporting the PQS mission.

Isaac Gobina


6 years ago

Dear TechNet21 Community,

This is a kind reminder to complete the survey about the WHO Performance, Quality and Safety (PQS) website. Answering the survey questions will take around 7-10 minutes of your time and can be accessed here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PQSwebsite1

The survey will remain open a few more days until September 30th, 2017.

Thank you in advance for your participation!


Best wishes,

Denise Habimana

Program Officer - Vaccine Cold Chain Technologies


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