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    TechNet Conference: Collecting temperature monitoring and performance data for cold chain management – two complementary approaches

    This session shares two presentations discussing the importance of temperature monitoring of cold chain equipment and the impact of the data generated from temperature monitoring activities. The first presentation is about the Varo app which allows direct download and emailing of FridgeTag 2 data...

    This session shares two presentations discussing the importance of temperature monitoring of cold chain equipment and the impact of the data generated from temperature monitoring activities. The first presentation is about the Varo app which allows direct download and emailing of FridgeTag 2 data in Kenya and Nigeria. The second presentation is about remote temperature monitoring experiences with Nexleaf in Tanzania.


    Ngwegwe Bulula (MoH Tanzania)

    Brian Pal (New Horizons) 

    Ernest Some (Kenya National Vaccine and Immunization program)

    Abubakar Sani (Bauchi State) 

    21st Oct, 2020 11:30 - 12:00 - Europe/Paris
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