
Re-framing how we think about decision-making: 3 lessons from healthcare workers and managers in Kenya

This is a first in a series of mini 30-minute webinars with JSI and Sonder Design Collective sharing their initial findings from The Vaccine Data Discovery Research in Kenya. This Human-Centered Design study is a joint effort between the two organizations and the Ministry of Health in Kenya, aimed at understanding the challenges around collecting and using data for decision-making in delivering immunization services. In this webinar, the team deep dived into 3 insights around decision-making in the Kenya health system, covering perceptions around who is and is not a decision-maker, the context in which decisions are made, and how relevant information is accessed to inform these decisions. For more information about the work, you can download the initial Kenya findings report: https://bit.ly/kenya-vxdel-report-2


  • English

Publication year





  • Service delivery


  • Data reporting
  • Performance monitoring

Added by: Géraldine Nemrod

Added on: 2022-03-27 02:28:13

Hits: 620