AIRA Weekly Update | May 22, 2024



5 minute read

MAY 22, 2024




Information Requests – New Summaries Available

AIRA members can submit and review information requests—a circulation of questions to and answers from the community. To submit an information request to the IIS community, email Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. with “Information Request” in the subject line.


New Summary Available

Recently, a response to one information request was posted in the AIRA repository:

Information requests are viewable only by individual members and individuals affiliated with member and partner organizations. Recent information requests can be found by using the “Information Requests” filter in the AIRA Repository. Just log in to view these valuable resources! If you have any questions, please email Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..


A Message from Our Partners

The State of Vaccine Coverage and Confidence: Insights for the Vaccine Conversation


Register now for AIM’s next vaccine confidence webinar, The State of Vaccine Coverage and Confidence: Insights for the Vaccine Conversation, on May 31 from 2–3 p.m. ET. Members of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccinate with Confidence team will provide an update on the state of childhood vaccine confidence and coverage in the United States. Dr. Sean O’Leary will present high-level takeaways from the recently published clinical report from the American Academy of Pediatrics, Strategies for Improving Vaccine Communication and Uptake. The presentation will include information about the scope and impact of the problem, the facts surrounding common vaccination concerns, and the latest evidence regarding effective communication techniques for the vaccine conversation. 


Register for the webinar here. Please contact Julia Donavant at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. with any questions. 




New Technical Advisory Bulletin (TAB) Documents

The Standards and Interoperability Steering Committee (SISC) is pleased to announce the publication of several new technical advisory bulletin (TAB) documents. These documents build on and further clarify specifications in the HL7 v2.5.1 Implementation Guide for Immunization Messaging, Release 1.5 and addendum, October 2018.


Each TAB addresses a specific topic related to HL7 v2.5.1 immunization data exchange. The newly published documents include:

  • Scenarios for Updates and Queries: Reviews scenarios and expectations for when VXU and QBP messages should be created and sent to IIS.
  • Additional “Unknown” Race and Ethnicity Codes: Extends the CDCREC value set to include additional codes to represent an “unknown” race and/or ethnicity: “UNK” for unknown, “ASKU” for asked but unknown, and “PHC1175” for refused to answer.
  • Query Response Flexibility: Clarifies that a Z31 RSP (Return List of Candidate Matches) may be returned in response to a Z44 QBP (Request Evaluated Immunization History and Forecast).
  • System Entry Date Time (RXA-22): Defines the optional RXA-22 System Entry Date/Time field as the most recent date/time when the administered or historical immunization information was last entered or updated in the submitting system.

Implementers are expected to use TABs to support the development and maintenance of HL7 exchange capabilities and interfaces. Unless otherwise indicated, organizations shall use the TAB specifications to support implementation, as soon as feasible, working with exchange partners as needed to test and/or confirm changes. See the TAB Overview for additional information about these documents.


Congratulations to the #AIRA2024 Award Winners

The AIRA award ceremony took place during the AIRA 2024 National Meeting to honor the remarkable resilience and dedication of individuals in our community who consistently go above and beyond. IIS community members were recognized with the following award categories: AIRA 2024 Recognition, Consider It Done!, Dream Team, IIS Data Geniuses, Leadership, and Superstars. Congratulations to the AIRA 2024 award recipients!


Data Viz Tip of the Month

If you were unable to attend the annual Tableau Conference in May, do not fret! You can access the conference on demand for free on their website. With over 20 sessions, keynotes, digital-only content, and more, there's plenty to explore. Pro tip: Make sure to check out the Iron Viz competition.




Employment Opportunities

AIRA Employment Opportunities

There are no current opportunities at this time.


Opportunities for Independent Contractors
To be notified of future contracting opportunities, please sign up here.


Employment Opportunities in Member Jurisdictions and Organizations 


Check out the AIRA Calendar for upcoming events!

Stay up to date on upcoming AIRA committees, board meetings, webinars, events, and more.




American Immunization Registry Association
1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Suite 1025 
Washington, DC 20006

© Copyright 2023, American Immunization Registry Association
