Building Women's Skills and Improving Health Outcomes

Building Women's Skills and Improving Health Outcomes

Celebrating International Women's Day, 2020

An equal world is an enabled world. JSI strives to find and implement solutions that improve family planning services, supply chains, and the capacity of local leaders to help women access the health services they need. We are committed to gender equity and believe that all women, children, and youth should have access to health care regardless of their circumstances or where they live. #IWD2020

Empowering All Women around the U.S.
Expanding Alcohol & Marijuana Awareness and Education for New Hampshire Women
In an effort to continue to support and empower women, we are working with the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation and the NH Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services to expand awareness and educational resources for the provider community. 

Women in Health: Engaging Our Aging Communities

Throughout the U.S. and the whole western world, there’s a prevailing sense that aging is a series of cumulative losses. We sat down with Margaret Frankhauser, our new director of aging services, to discuss how we can transform health services to support and uplift an aging population.

Did you know chlamydia rates are highest among
adolescent and young adult women?

The prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections is an essential family planning service. Through the Family Planning National Training Center, JSI developed the Chlamydia Screening Toolkit to help grantees increase chlamydia screening rates at Title X clinics and improve the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set chlamydia screening performance measure.

Strengthening Health Systems to Support Women around the Globe

Five Ways Tanzania is Fighting HIV
In Tanzania, nearly 1 in 3 girls experience some form of sexual violence before she turns 18. Ending all forms of violence against women and children is crucial to realizing an HIV-free generation.

In case you missed it: What if Women Drove the Product Journey?


Too often products are not designed with, for, or by women. Carolyn Hart reflects that it's time to re-imagine how politics and markets affect women’s health options. Women must drive the product journey.

Introducing Kangaroo Mother Care in the Democratic Republic of the Congo