Job Opportunities


This email contains job opportunities from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and the Wyoming Department of Health.

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services is seeking an Immunization Operations Manager to oversee the Immunization Operations Team and HL7 onboarding providers, coordinate and manage the Missouri IIS and vaccine ordering for the Vaccines for Children program, and collaborate with internal and external partners. More information about this position can be found here

Wyoming Department of Health
The Wyoming Department of Health is seeking an Immunization Unit Manager to oversee and manage all operations within the Wyoming Immunization Unit which serves the entire state population of children, adolescents, and adults with their immunization need as well as stakeholders and partners. Additional information can be found here.

As a reminder, all job postings are also shared on the Opportunities page of the AIRA website.

Thank you,

Brittany Gyer | Administrative Coordinator
American Immunization Registry Association (AIRA)
1155 F Street NW, Suite 1050 | Washington, DC 20004
Main: 202.552.0208 | Direct: 202.552.5748 |