Our business continuity through COVID-19

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As we embark on another week in this difficult and rapidly changing environment, our hearts go out to the people who have been infected and those whose lives have been disrupted by this outbreak. 
I want to let you know how we are working to ensure the well-being of our employees and communities as we work to reduce the spread of COVID-19. 
Our staff around the world are our biggest asset, and most are working from home until further notice. We're fortunate to be able to work remotely to ensure continuity of service and take advantage of our digital tools, including our eLearning systems and virtual training.
We are committed to continuing our work to strengthen health systems and to improve services—and ultimately, people’s health. JSI colleagues and our partners are using the knowledge we have gained from many years of addressing public health crises—from SARS and Ebola to avian flu and cholera—working tirelessly to enhance the systems that people depend on during times like these. 
All of us have a responsibility to the community to implement practices that will help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. I want to stress the importance of practicing appropriate social distancing as well as hand washing (please see the updated best practices for prevention at the CDC).
We are closely monitoring guidance from the World Health Organization as well as the CDC and will adjust our work as needed. 
JSI is part of a large extended family, one which has shown incredible kindness and humanity over these many years. I know that that will not change. We are in this together and we will overcome this difficult time together.
Thanks to our staff and all the frontline health workers who are working to keep people safe.

Joel Lamstein