Share your Story: How Do You Make the Most of Your Limited Resources


Never enough time, funding, or staff? We want to learn any tips or tricks you’ve discovered to make the most of your limited resources. Please share your stories with us and we will pull them together for a SnapShots article to share with the community. This was a topic of interest in the Education Survey, so we know that your colleagues throughout the community would love to hear your ideas. Please contact Beth Parilla with your ideas and stories (about doing more with less, or any other topic you think would make a good SnapShots article) by Friday, March 20.

Thank you,

Brittany Gyer | Administrative Coordinator
American Immunization Registry Association (AIRA)
1155 F Street NW, Suite 1050 | Washington, DC 20004
Main: 202.552.0208 | Direct: 202.552.5748 | 


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American Immunization Registry Association 1155 F Street NW, Suite 1050, Washington, District of Columbia 20004, United States 202.522.0208