Stay Informed with the New Immunization in Focus

*Please note you are receiving this inaugural edition of the Immunization in Focus quarterly bulletin because you are a JSI subscriber. Immunization in Focus is produced by USAID’s MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity project, led by JSI Research & Training Institute. While originally written for USAID missions and projects, this bulletin may have information useful to your work. This is a one-time invitation to subscribe to this new immunization-focused MOMENTUM bulletin. You will not receive it again unless you subscribe below.  


Welcome to Immunization in Focus, a quarterly bulletin on immunization produced by USAID’s MOMENTUM Routine Immunization Transformation and Equity project. Immunization is a dynamic, evolving program that both provides protection against a growing list of vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) and serves as a cornerstone of primary health care. Immunization in Focus is designed to provide USAID Missions, projects and other stakeholders with concise, practical information to support the management, delivery, quality, and utilization of immunization services. Each issue will focus on a particular immunization-related topic.

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Leave No One Behind: Guidance for Planning and Implementing Catch-up Vaccination

WHO and Immunization partners developed this document to help countries develop context-appropriate strategies to reduce gaps in immunization.
This resource:    Provides practical guidance on how to identify populations at risk of missing vaccination because of service disruptions and approaches for reaching them. Advocates updating national immunization policies to remove upper age limits for vaccination that can exclude children from receiving the benefits of vaccines.  Presents strategies for continuously implementing catch-up vaccination as an integrated part of the health system to improve equity for immunization. Clarifies steps for data management, service organization, communication, and supply chain management for catch-up vaccination. Possible actions by USAID Missions and projects to maintain vaccination as an essential service: Participate in working groups to identify unvaccinated populations and plan for catch-up with immunization and other services. Assist ministries of health to introduce practical methods for scheduling appointments for integrated maternal and child health services, including immunization.  Engage with civil society organizations and communities to identify and address barriers to immunization, including traditionally overlooked problems such as gender-related barriers.

Featured Tool

Mini COVID Vaccine Post Introduction Evaluation
(“Mini cPIE” or Intra-Action Review)  
Typically, countries conduct a post-introduction evaluation (PIE) 6–12 months following the introduction of a new vaccine into their national immunization programs. Given the many novel challenges with introducing COVID-19 vaccine, WHO strongly recommends conducting a lighter version called a mini-cPIE or Intra-Action Review (IAR) two to four months post-introduction and repeating it periodically.   

The mini cPIE identifies both vaccine delivery challenges needing immediate corrective action and emerging best practices for continual improvement and collective learning. The mini cPIE tools include an extensive database of both core questions and optional trigger questions from which countries select those most relevant to their needs. Intended to take only one-half-to-two days to conduct, the mini cPIE is a country-led exercise that does not require external technical support and whose findings are intended to inform rapid follow-up actions. View the Mini CPIE tools

Possible actions by USAID Missions and projects to support COVID-19 vaccination   Participate in coordination structures with ministries of health, national immunization programs, and other immunization partners to support the roll-out of COVID-19 vaccine. Check the WHO COVID-19 vaccine introduction toolkit frequently for new tools. Monitor emerging challenges with COVID-19 and identify good practices for further support. Support and take part in mini cPIEs to identify vaccine delivery challenges and implement corrective actions.

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