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Détails de l'événement
Titre de l'événement:
Date / Heure de l'événement:

2nd Mai, 2016 8:00AM


22nd Juil, 2016 12:45PM

Description de l'événement:
e-Pharmaceutical Cold Chain Management is a learning event aimed at developing an enhanced, robust
mental model of an efficient pharmaceutical cold chain. The learning journey, as we may call it, is
carefully planned to enhance an informative decision-making through :
 Encouraging critical observation related to time-temperature sensitive pharmaceutical products
 Trouble-shooting a problem related to time-temperature sensitive pharmaceutical products,
 Creating and evaluating a solution to an actual problem related to an operation of time and
temperature sensitive pharmaceutical products
As you virtually travel with mentors down the length of the supply chain, we encourage you to make
attentive observations at the storage, distribution and health care facilities .
We’ll demonstrate how the theoretical background of pharmaceutical cold chain management is applied
in a variety of storage and health care facilities. Our course is a practical application of experiential
learning theory.
Throughout the course, we shall virtually travel along the different levels of the supply chain.
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