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Détails de l'événement
Titre de l'événement:
Date / Heure de l'événement:

18th Avr, 2016 12:00PM


17th Jui, 2016 5:45PM

Description de l'événement:
The course invites you to learn within a sophisticated interactive simulation of a vaccine supply chain. For 9
weeks, you will travel virtually through different levels of the vaccine supply chain. The authentic tasks
that the course offers take place at international arrival, storage, in-country distribution of vaccines, health centre
level, and outreach. These tasks are arranged mainly as group activities. You’ll benefit a lot from this
collaborative learning. It also offers you the tools to easily connect with other participants so you can
discuss and work together as a team. You will be able to work with real VVMs and observe how they
react to different temperature scenarios throughout the course. Within this unique learning
environment, the learning is assessed by self, peer, and expert reviews. There will be no tick the right
answer type tests.
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