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At the 2014 Esri Health GIS Conference you’ll discover the latest trends and cutting edge applications in healthy commun…
At the 2014 Esri Health GIS Conference you’ll discover the latest trends and cutting edge applications in healthy communities, open data, location analytics, geomedicine, and much more. You will

Learn to map with GIS for all aspects of health and human services including epidemiological and environmental surveillance, census and demographic data analysis, environmental management and urban planning.
Hear from colleagues who have solved a problem using Esri products as they share their GIS story and accomplishments. Better yet, tell your peers about your own successes.
Explore innovative solutions from Esri partners and sponsors at a Solutions, Data, and Apps EXPO. See how they can make you more effective
Discover new resources and learn about state-of-the-art GIS applications—both tactical and strategic—in your industry at technical workshops and panel discussions.
Network with colleagues, exhibitors, and Esri experts.
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