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Détails de l'événement
Titre de l'événement:
Date / Heure de l'événement:

15th Sep, 2020 12:00AM


17th Sep, 2020 11:59PM

Description de l'événement:

The First Innovation Forum in the WHO Western Pacific Region (aims to provide policy support to countries on innovation to identify, test and advance innovative approaches to pressing health problems including COVID-19. 

During the 3-day virtual event, high-level policymakers and thought leaders will discuss how innovation can help countries to future-proof their health systems, and the role of WHO in supporting them. The interactive panel sessions will provide an opportunity to discuss key topics such as innovation for healthy life course, environment for health, impact-driven solutions, and harnessing digital tools for health. 

Forum objectives: 

  1. Lay out a vision for innovation in health systems with societies adapting to the challenges of climate change, health security, ageing populations, chronic disease, and the aftermath of COVID-19
  2. Explore ways in which WHO could set up a platform to assist Member States to conceptualize innovative solutions, put them into action, apply them at scale, and sustain them

Final programme:


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