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The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges for health systems and in some places has led to disruptions …

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges for health systems and in some places has led to disruptions in routine immunization service delivery & decreases in vaccination coverage. As programmes work hard to restore and maintain immunization services, it is important that strategies & mechanisms are in place to enable individuals who have missed their vaccinations, for any reason, to be identified and vaccinated as quickly as possible.

The session, hosted by the Geneva Learning Foundation and the World Health Organization, discusses the importance of continuously implementing catch-up vaccination as an integral component of routine immunization, as well as intensified strategies to close immunization gaps following a disruption in immunization services, as described in new WHO guidance Leave No One Behind: Guidance for Planning and Implementing Catch-up.

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    WHO GRISP Scholar Special Events: Strategies for Catch-Up Vaccination in the Context of COVID-19

    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges for health systems and in some places has led to disruptions in routine immunization service delivery & decreases in vaccination coverage. As programmes work hard to restore and maintain immunization services, it is important that strategie…

    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges for health systems and in some places has led to disruptions in routine immunization service delivery & decreases in vaccination coverage. As programmes work hard to restore and maintain immunization services, it is important that strategies & mechanisms are in place to enable individuals who have missed their vaccinations, for any reason, to be identified and vaccinated as quickly as possible.

    The session, hosted by the Geneva Learning Foundation and the World Health Organization, discusses the importance of continuously implementing catch-up vaccination as an integral component of routine immunization, as well as intensified strategies to close immunization gaps following a disruption in immunization services, as described in new WHO guidance Leave No One Behind: Guidance for Planning and Implementing Catch-up.

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    30 Sep 2020 à 12:00 - 13:30
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