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Détails de l'événement
Titre de l'événement:
Date / Heure de l'événement:

20th Oct, 2020 2:00PM


20th Oct, 2020 3:00PM

Description de l'événement:

The demand for cold chain storage has increased as more temperature-sensitive health products become available for primary health care service delivery. What could be the practical solution to safely manage the storage and transport of these products without causing too much burden on the cold chain? Learn from countries achieving supply chain efficiency through an integrated approach.

Moderator: Maricel Castro (WHO) 


Overview of the WHO-UNICEF Joint statement

Michelle Seidel (PD, UNICEF HQ)


Specific guidance for an effective integration

Maricel Castro (EPI, WHO HQ)


Integration of Immunization Supply Chain in to the Wider Health Supply Chain

Tariku Berhanu (UNICEF CO Ethiopia)


Integration of EPI supply chain including CCE Inventory in the DHIS-2 platform

Monjurul Islam Fuad  (MOH Bangladesh)


Question and answer

Moderated by Dereje Haile (UNICEF ESARO)

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