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Détails de l'événement
Titre de l'événement:
Date / Heure de l'événement:

21st Oct, 2020 5:00PM


21st Oct, 2020 6:00PM

Description de l'événement:

Freeze preventive vaccine carriers are now available to protect freeze-sensitive vaccines during transport. This sesion will share experiences, challenges and learnings from a field trial in Nepal where the Family Health Division and BPKIHS evaluated several freeze-preventive vaccine carriers over the past year. / Energy Harvest Control (EHC) is a new way to utilize excess solar energy from solar direct drive (SDD) refrigerators. Senegal has been testing this new technology with several SDDs and is sharing the findings, learnings and challenges of ECH (session in french).

Moderator: Matt Morio (PATH)


Sandeep Kumar (PATH)

Surendra Uranw (BPKIHS)

Abdoulaye Gueye (PATH)

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