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The National Innovation System (NIS) Workshop for Francophone Countries was held in Benin from 20-23 September 2022. 130…

View of a plenary session (Credit: CHD WHOIST West)The National Innovation System (NIS) Workshop for Francophone Countries was held in Benin from 20-23 September 2022. 130 participants from 20 WHO AFRO countries including Haiti and the Comoros islands joined the workshop, which was was supported by facilitators from WHO, UNICEF, Gavi, AMP, and JSI.

Comprehensive Multi-year plans (cMYPs) are no longer on countries’ agendas as some, like the GVAP (2011-2020) and the Regional Strategic Plan for Immunization (2014-2020) have lapsed. With the launch of a new vaccination era introduced by IA2030 and Gavi 5.0, a new reference strategy is needed from countries.

The COVID-19 pandemic and recent release of WUENIC data emphasised the need for strategic planning and prioritization to restore and expand immunization programmes. Countries’ goal now is to conduct a robust situation analysis of their current EPI programs and adopt clear orientations and priorities to be operationalized in a more predictable manner. There are already some tools available to support their NIS development efforts.

Ulla Griffiths from UNICEF HQ presenting on costing of NIS activities (Credit: WHO IST West)Over  four days, participants - through group work and plenary sessions - were fully briefed on the whole process of NIS strategy development, with the pioneers of the exercise,: Cote d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso, sharing their experiences. An extensive of the use of NIS.COST was observed, and technical partners renewed their engagement to support countries.

A similar workshop for Anglophone countries took place in South Africa from 10-14 October 2022.

Photos: (Top) Participants. (Bottom) Ulla Griffiths from UNICEF HQ presenting on costing of NIS activities (Credit: WHO AFRO/ISTWest-H.Dadjo), 



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    Report on AFRO Region NIS Workshop for Francophone Countries in Benin

    View of a plenary session (Credit: CHD WHOIST West)The National Innovation System (NIS) Workshop for Francophone Countries was held in Benin from 20-23 September 2022. 130 participants from 20 WHO AFRO countries including Haiti and the Comoros islands joined the workshop, which was was supported by facilitators from WHO, UNICEF, Gavi, AMP, and JSI.…

    View of a plenary session (Credit: CHD WHOIST West)The National Innovation System (NIS) Workshop for Francophone Countries was held in Benin from 20-23 September 2022. 130 participants from 20 WHO AFRO countries including Haiti and the Comoros islands joined the workshop, which was was supported by facilitators from WHO, UNICEF, Gavi, AMP, and JSI.

    Comprehensive Multi-year plans (cMYPs) are no longer on countries’ agendas as some, like the GVAP (2011-2020) and the Regional Strategic Plan for Immunization (2014-2020) have lapsed. With the launch of a new vaccination era introduced by IA2030 and Gavi 5.0, a new reference strategy is needed from countries.

    The COVID-19 pandemic and recent release of WUENIC data emphasised the need for strategic planning and prioritization to restore and expand immunization programmes. Countries’ goal now is to conduct a robust situation analysis of their current EPI programs and adopt clear orientations and priorities to be operationalized in a more predictable manner. There are already some tools available to support their NIS development efforts.

    Ulla Griffiths from UNICEF HQ presenting on costing of NIS activities (Credit: WHO IST West)Over  four days, participants - through group work and plenary sessions - were fully briefed on the whole process of NIS strategy development, with the pioneers of the exercise,: Cote d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso, sharing their experiences. An extensive of the use of NIS.COST was observed, and technical partners renewed their engagement to support countries.

    A similar workshop for Anglophone countries took place in South Africa from 10-14 October 2022.

    Photos: (Top) Participants. (Bottom) Ulla Griffiths from UNICEF HQ presenting on costing of NIS activities (Credit: WHO AFRO/ISTWest-H.Dadjo), 



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    20 Sep 2022 à 09:00 - 23 Sep 2022 à 17:00 - UTC
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