Mardi 2 Septembre 2014
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As many of you know, the supply chain strategy developed by WHO, UNICEF, Gates Foundation and GAVI was approved by the GAVI Board in June of this year, and we are beginning to work on implementation planning and communication. At this point, I know the community has more questions than we yet have answers, but I’d like to point you to our first short communication piece about our priority initiatives, which are focused on the three fundamentals of supply chains in countries—managers, plans, and dashboards. This reflects our thinking that it is in having the right people in place, ensuring they have access to pertinent information, and engaging them in a process of continuous improvement based on comprehensive plans that countries will be able to meet the challenges they face to manage a supply chain that keeps pace with the mounting volumes and values of life-saving vaccines. It would be great to know about work that you are involved in related to these topics. As we do the work planning, we know there is already a lot going on--we will do what we can to build on existing work. The fact sheet is available on TechNet at the link below; French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian versions are coming soon. GAVI supply chain strategy fact sheet--priority initiatives--EN
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