Global Health eLearning Center: New Homepage and Certificate Programs For TechNet21 readers who do not receive Bob Davis's regular and informative Child Survival Updates, we suggest you look into the following:
We are excited to announce that the USAID Global Health eLearning Center ( has launched its new and improved homepage. The Center has also developed new Certificate Programs to help focus learning within key topics of global health. The Certificate Program currently includes courses on: Child Survival Cross-Cutting Topics Family Planning and Reproductive Health Gender and Health Health Systems HIV/AIDS Infectious Diseases Maternal Health Neonatal Health
You can earn certificates by completing all courses within one area, or by completing individual courses. We look forward to seeing you online at'
e-Learning is likely to be the way of the future for public health activities that are scattered throughout the worldand the Global Health eLearning centre is a wonderful way to start finding out what you need to know.
James Cheyne
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