Mercredi 27 Mars 2024
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INFUSE 2024 call for innovations

Gavi is proud to announce that INFUSE 2024 is actively seeking innovative solutions uniquely positioned to enhance health systems, enabling them to effectively manage resilient and climate-adaptive responses to climate threats. 


Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, in partnership with Seedstars, announces INFUSE 2024: a global call for applications for innovations to bolster health systems against climate threats and to enhance immunisation delivery.

Innovation for Uptake, Scale and Equity in Immunisation, or INFUSE, aims to scale up groundbreaking global health solutions by connecting high-impact, proven innovations where countries need them most.

This year’s INFUSE initiative underscores the urgency of addressing health challenges exacerbated by climate change, including increased vulnerability to diseases sensitive to climate conditions – such as malaria – and the likelihood of more frequent and severe disease outbreaks due to extreme weather.

The programme aims to select and scale innovations that contribute to low-carbon and sustainable, resilient health care systems; enhance frontline health workers’ capacity to manage climate-related health threats; and ensure efficient vaccine distribution under challenging climate conditions. Examples of projects supported by INFUSE in the past :

  1. To prevent vaccine damage from excessive heat or cold, Nexleaf Analytics and Parsyl are deploying state-of-the-art sensor technology.
  2. To help Pakistan and Mozambique reach under-immunised children, Zenysis Technologies is harnessing big data analytics to sharpen the accuracy of vaccine planning.
  3. To ensure that every child is registered in the health system and receives critical vaccines, Simprints is pioneering biometrics in Bangladesh, Ghana and Tanzania.

Augustin Flory, Managing Director, Innovative Partnerships & Development Finance at Gavi, said: “The climate crisis has significant implications for vaccine-preventable diseases and immunisation programmes. INFUSE is a great platform to mobilise the latest innovations in support of the health community to drive adaptive and mitigative actions against climate change.

Sheilla Atieno, Seedstars Program Manager Africa, highlighted the importance of this initiative: “Our collaboration with Gavi for INFUSE 2024 is crucial in our fight against the health impacts of climate change. We are calling on innovators globally to come forward with solutions that can make a tangible difference in building climate-resilient health systems.”

The open call for INFUSE 2024 invites applications that demonstrate innovative approaches to tackle challenges faced by Gavi implementing countries and their partners, focusing on climate mitigation and resilience. The criteria for participation include scalability and potential impact in vulnerable regions; cost-effectiveness with a sustainable financial model; evidence of or potential for success; adaptability for implementation in diverse environments, especially in lower-income countries; and the strength and experience of the team behind the solution.

Innovators and startups across the globe, particularly from lower-income countries, are encouraged to apply for this opportunity. Selected innovations will be part of the INFUSE community, receiving focused support to scale their solutions globally.

Calling all innovators! Learn more and apply here: 

Application deadline: 11:59 pm (23:59) CEST (Geneva time) on 14 April 2024

il y a 10 mois

Dear INFUSE managers,

We have attempted now 3 times to use the online application form and each time are met with an error when reaching the final 'Finish' button. 


Please advise if there is an alternative manner in which to submit responses to the questionnaire?



Robert Miros

Stone Cold Systems

Hi Robert, 

You could try submitting your application directly to [email protected]

Many thanks

Adam Dewey

mSupply Foundation

Dear Robert,

Thanks for your interest in applying to INFUSE. There was indeed a glitch yesterday on the system. It is now fully fixed.

As Adam mentioned above, we remain reachable for any enquiries on the INFUSE mailbox: [email protected]

Best regards,

Your INFUSE Team,


il y a 10 mois

Dear Colleagues,

Congratulate on the launch of the INFUSE 2024. Let me ask - Can non-GAVI eleigible countries participate (f.e. Kazakhstan) apply for this opportunity?

Currently in Kazakhstan, the vast amounts of floodwaters have destroyed villages and carried away livestock.

When spring arrives, Kazakhstan knows to expect runoff water from melting ice and snow, but this year has been a disaster shock. Bridges have been destroyed, entire sections of highway are now underwater, hundreds of homes have been rendered uninhabitable, and many have been left without tap water and household gas.

The floods that began earlier this month have affected at least seven regions, with the north hardest-hit. In some regions, entire primary health care facilities, schools and hospitals are flooded. Vaccine preventable diseases increasing.

These as the largest floods in recent years due to climate conditions.

Officials argue that the natural disasters are growing worse in scale. This year’s MoH underscores the urgency of addressing health challenges exacerbated by climate change, including increased vulnerability to diseases sensitive to climate conditions – such as hepatitis, tetanus, cholera and the likelihood of more frequent and severe disease outbreaks due to extreme weather.

best regards,

Kanat Sukhanberdiyev, Immunization officer WHO Kazakhstan CO

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