You will find in the TechNet-21 Resource Library the recently released WHO report "Explorations of Inequality: Childhood Immunization" and its accompanying interactive data visuals:
The report describes how children’s likelihood of being vaccinated is affected by socioeconomic, demographic and geographic factors and how the ones who benefit from multiple forms of advantage are more likely to be vaccinated than children who experience a single type of advantage. The report is based on international household health surveys conducted in the following 10 countries: Afghanistan, Chad, DRC, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan and Uganda. Together they account for more than 70% of children who do not get a full course of basic vaccines.
Short excerpt below. If you have limited time, I strongly recommend you read Chapter 13 on the multi-country assessments, which is quite rich and provides an excellent cross-sectional analysis.
"Despite the uniqueness of each country situation, some commonalities emerged. Inequalities by child’s sex tended to be minimal or non-existent, and inequality by subnational region tended to be substantial. All countries reported variation by mother’s education and subnational region and all (except Uganda) demonstrated inequality on the basis of household economic status. All 10 priority countries showed a positive association between mother’s education level and childhood immunization coverage. Countries that reported low national coverage (e.g. Chad, Ethiopia and Nigeria) tended to demonstrate steep gradients and/or mass deprivation patterns across socioeconomic subgroups; the odds of immunization tended to be significantly higher in more advantaged subgroups in these countries. Countries with higher national coverage (e.g. India, Indonesia, Kenya and Uganda), more often demonstrated marginal exclusion or universal patterns across socioeconomic subgroups,and tended to have lower urban–rural inequality. When considered alongside knowledge of the country context, the results of this report can be used to inform equity-oriented policies, programmes and practices to promote universal childhood immunization coverage. This report serves as a basis for more detailed explorations at the national and subnational levels, and a baseline for future health inequality monitoring efforts. Monitoring and exploring inequalities in health is essential as countries strive to “leave no one behind” on the path towards sustainable development."
The accompanying web story (top story on the WHO page for now) announcing the release of the report is accessible here:
Link to the report landing page:
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