Lundi 24 Mai 2004
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POST 00679E : GAVI UPDATE EVALUATION 24 May 2004 ____________________________________________ Prohom (mailto:[email protected]) would like to know your opinion on the GAVI Update. ____________________________________________ After nearly 4 years of producing the GAVI Update, it is an appropriate time to evaluate the usefulness of this newsletter. Attached please find a very short questionnaire, which I would be grateful if you could take a few moments to complete and return to my email address. Please note that although this questionnaire is not anonymous, we kindly ask you to be candid and answer honestly in order that we may get a clear assessment of the situation. Answers will be treated confidentially then deleted once processed. An aggregate summary of the results will be shared with everyone. I thank you in advance for your replies. Prohom Technical Officer, EPI Team WHO Geneva ______________________________________________________________________________ Visit the TECHNET21 Website at You will find instructions to subscribe, a direct access to archives, links to reference documents and other features. ______________________________________________________________________________ To UNSUBSCRIBE, send a message to : mailto:[email protected] Leave the subject area BLANK In the message body, write unsubscribe TECHNET21E ______________________________________________________________________________ The World Health Organization and UNICEF support TechNet21. The TechNet21 e-Forum is a communication/information tool for generation of ideas on how to improve immunization services. It is moderated by Claude Letarte and is hosted in cooperation with the Centre de internationale en sant, Canada ( ______________________________________________________________________________ ##text##
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