The Global Health eLearning Center offers technical public health information to field staff. It provides Internet-based courses that:
* Provide useful and timely continuing education for health professionals
* Offer state-of-the-art technical content on key public health topics
* Serve as a practical resource for increasing public health knowledge
Listed below are some of the new courses that have been added that TechNet21 readers may find useful. Also included is a course on immunization essentials, information with regard to which was posted earlier, but is being repeated for the benefit of new subscribers.
Immunization Essentials: The purpose of this course is to provide essential technical and managerial information that immunization program personnel need to know to plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate immunization programs effectively on a large scale.
Pneumonia: Pneumonia is a major killer of children under five years of age. Although children's mortality resulting from pneumonia has decreased in the last two decades, it is still the most important cause of death in the developing world.
In this course, you will learn what needs to be done for further reduction of this preventable disease.
Malaria: Malaria is a leading cause of illness and death in the developing world and a significant drag on economic development.
This course will provide basic knowledge about the burden of malaria and effective tools to both treat and prevent malaria, and discuss the challenges and opportunities for taking these interventions to scale.
Tuberculosis Basics (Updated): This is an updated version of the Tuberculosis Basics eLearning course. It provides some basic information about tuberculosis (TB) and its global impact, along with an overview of some strategies that are currently under way to control TB. These sessions introduce information that you will need to know before moving on to the continuation course called More about Tuberculosis (coming soon).
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