Post00333 HEALTH RADIO NET 9 April 2001
In Technet Post00321, 16 February 2001, Marcia Rock, WB, posted her
colleagues request for help on the technical and user issues related to the
need for the MOH in East Timor to make the technical decisions for the
establishment of a health radio network.
In Post00323 , 26 February 2001, Sarah Nancollas, TRANSAID, Pierre Claquin,
Carlos Dierolf, UNIVALLE, Jean-Michel Durand, SPC, and John Christie,
PNG/HSSP kindly responded with useful examples, suggestions, discussion, web
links, and the offer of a manual. Sarah also asked about others useful
experience in this key area.
In todays posting Beat Streckeisen, OCHA and WHO, discusses his experience
in establishing a HF radio network in DR Congo/Zaire using voice, text and
data communications for disease surveillance. Beat kindly posts the details
of a Pactor communication system installation.
Kirsten Myhr, edrug List Moderator, kindly forwarded recent Technet Health
Radio Net postings to a friend in Botswana who is currently working on the
installation of radio equipment there. Kirsten has posted his comments.
Other related postings follow as separate items.
Opinion, comments and additions please: [[email protected]][email protected][/email]
or use your reply button
To: [[email protected]][email protected][/email]
Subject: Health Radio Net
From: "Beat Streckeisen"
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2001
To: Technet Moderator.
I read your last issue on the matter with great interest. I would like to
contribute with my experiences:
In 1996 I was charged by WHO with putting in place a radio communication
system in the DR Congo (then Zaire) for the epidemic surveillance. The
initial project funding from the Italian Government was triggered by the
outbreak of the epidemic Ebola in Kikwit, DRC.
I opted for HF radio with the facility for text and data transmission.
Satphones would have been an alternative but the high transmission costs
would have rapidly offset the lower investment.
The installations began in 1997 and in the mean time some 14 stations placed
in ALL provinces form a uniform network. The central point is the WHO
country representation office in Kinshasa. 14 more stations are ready to be
installed. The Swiss Government has also contributed to the continuation of
the project and the Italian Cooperation is still highly engaged. The
transmitted data include statistic tables of systematic epidemic
surveillance, daily situation reports as well as administrative matters for
the field offices. The voice transmission is appreciated for personal human
contacts, but experiences show clearly that the transmission of statistics
and surveillance reports by voice would be virtually impossible for the
volume. Besides, the Pactor transmission offers a high degree of
confidentiality, much appreciated for sensible information. The transmission
speed varies between 1 and 2 kByte (1000 characters) per minute , depending
on propagation conditions.
The system has been recognized by a majority of African health ministries
and WHO representatives. Only the lack of funds has held back the
installation of similar radio networks in other countries.
Actually we are testing new terminal software that offers e-mail like user
interface, including attachments and automatic routing.
Find attached the description of a typical Pactor Radio Station.
Don't hesitate to contact me for further information.
Beat Streckeisen,
Radio Communication Officer OCHA and WHO,
Beat kindly attached the file containing the text posted below
The Pactor communication system of WHO
4. How does the Pactor Radio system work:
The Pactor system is composed of an HF (short wave) radio, commonly called
"Phony", to which the Pactor (PTC-2) modem for text and data transmission is
connected. Texts are created and received on a small computer that serves as
terminal. The attached printer delivers hard copies of received and sent
The system can also be used for voice transmission.
5. The transmission in Pactor mode offers the following advantages:
* Save and error free transmission of documents in text form.
* Opposed to Fax, the addressed Pactor station holds not only a printed
document but also a computer file that can be reprinted anytime and
may be further processed by any word processor.
* The Pactor transmission resists much better to radio interferences and
propagation variations. Texts are still transmitted even under so poor
conditions that would make voice transmission impossible.
* It offers a high degree of confidentiality because considerable costly
equipment would be required for the decoding of Pactor transmissions, witch
is not accessible to the public.
* Pactor transmissions are free of transmission charges.
* The UNDP/WHO Pactor network includes a gateway (interface) station to
the Internet e-mail system. Every WHO and UNDP pactor field station owns an
Internet address and can thus be addressed by any Internet user.
6. Pactor station material specification [US$]:
1 Radio Barrett 550L or 950L (Barrett) 2450.00
1 Modem PTC-2 (UNDP private Mode)(Sch?in) 1500.00
1 Wavemail terminal program (Sch?in) 600.00
1 Laptop computer Toshiba Satellite 4000CDS 1950.00
1 Printer Epson LX-300 withsingle sheet feeder 13184 500.00
1 Antenna B&W with installation accessories (Torcom) 330.00
1 SWR meter Daiva CN-1011 (Torcom) 150.00
1 DC/AC converter PDA 150, 12-230 (Torcom) 200.00
1 Power supply Astron SS-18 (Torcom) 200.00
1 Antenna pole (Torcom) 100.00
1 Battery 300.00
Installation material 100.00
Subtotal 8380.00
Shipping costs 840.00
Total US$ 9220.00
8. Installation and basic user training takes approx. one week. Travel and
living costs of approx. US$ 2000.- $ must be added.
27.1.2000. Beat Streckeisen BSEE,
Radio Telecommunication Consultant
From: Kirsten Myhr
To: "'[email protected]'"
Subject: RE: Post00323 RE: HEALTH RADIO NETS
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001
Dear colleagues,
My knowledge of radios is limited, but I sent this and a previous list to a
friend in Botswana whose company is doing radios, solar-powered, for most of
the safari camps and a lot of other institutions needing radio
communication. And Botswana is quite a sunny country....
This is what he replied: I have found these (this one and the ones you sent
me in the past) very interesting. Some of the advise given is very good (in
my opinion) but some is dreadful. For example - one guy is saying use a 20
watt solar panel & another is saying use a 48 watt panel (and this is also
for a few lights !!) Here they talk a lot and such small powers would be a
joke! (Kirsten's comment: what he means by this is that if people have
access to radios, they are also tempted to use them for a chat.) We have to
use at least 100 watts for one clinic radio alone - with no lights, high
sunshine hours, little overcast etc.
There was quite a lot that was incorrect (I assume these people are "health"
trained so I do not expect them to be very "technical"). For example - one
person said that their 100 watt HF radio draws about 6 amps when
transmitting - this is definitely wrong - such a radio needs about 25 amps
at a full 100 watts output - it is a VHF radio putting out about 25 watts
that will use about 6 amps.
One person said they burnt out a radio from a mismatched antenna - yes this
will definitely happen if there is a mismatch but it can be avoided
altogether if a "wide band" antenna is used - this is matched for all HF
frequencies, is relatively inexpensive (P700.00) and very effective.
I was quite surprised at the grasp one had on the difference between HF &
VHF - but it is not quite as simple as she said - problem with HF is that it
is not good short range: unreliable & other problems. HF uses the
atmosphere to bounce the radio signal around the globe and is therefore very
susceptible to atmospheric conditions - when the "ozone hole" is over us
here we have almost no HF communications - a complete failure.
One said that HF is more expensive than VHF - this is true of the equipment
but normally VHF/UHF must have masts - taking these into account VHF
normally costs more - depends on the ranges required and terrain. Also - as
someone said - theft is a very real problem worldwide for remote masts -
solar panels and batteries are simply irresistible !! Botswana Telecoms now
has a couple of guards camping at each mast throughout the country. A South
African company is working on cheap tracking devices that will enable the
perpetrators to be located - but it often needs a helicopter ! Some solar
module manufacturers make panels out of a different colour - green or red
instead of the standard grey/black - these different colours make the
modules easy to see from the air (helicopter again !) - eg only Government
is allowed to use green panels - any panel that is green belongs to the
government/para-statal. The coloured panels have the same efficiency as
regular ones.
Someone was pushing Codan equipment - Codan is good but extremely expensive
compared to several other good makes. The make of radio to go for is the one
with the best local support, backup and after sales service. All too often a
system is installed & proved working only to fail because of lack of local
backup once the "maintenance" part of the supply/installation contract is
over (if there is a maintenance clause!).
One person was saying about using different HF frequencies at different
times of the day and setting up a schedule as to what time/what frequencies
etc. I have found that this simply does not work for non radio people - they
always get it wrong ! There are however quite expensive ( P30 000.00) radios
that "talk to each other" (they have to be allocated a range of frequencies
to choose from - a "spread" ) until they locate the best possible quality
signal/frequency at a particular time. It takes 4 radios about 4 seconds to
find the best option at any one time - then they "lock on" and conversation
is normal.
If anyone is interested in getting in touch with him, please let me know.
Kirsten Myhr, MScPharm, MPH
Bygdoy alle 58B
0265 Oslo, Norway
Tel.: +47 22 56 05 85
[email protected]
Menno Goedhart, MSF/Amsterdam, has kindly posted the MSF Field Support Unit
Communications Guidelines.
Communication Guideline (3rd edition).zip [333 Kb]
The file is available for download at:
This file contains a 5.6 Mb MS Word document. It has been virus scanned with
the latest Norton AV update.
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001
From: [[email protected]][email protected][/email] (Menno GOEDHART)
To: Technet Moderator
Subject: Re: Post00323 RE: HEALTH RADIO NETS
Dear Allan,
For all people interested I attach an MSF communication guideline (as an
executable file) it contains information about set-up of HF/ VHF/ and
satellite communication. With relative simple antenna configurations and
(reliable) power set-up. We are happy to supply further (tailor-made) comms
information for the needy.
Our e-mail addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Kind regards,
Menno Goedhart
MSF Amsterdam
Extract from the MSF Communications Guideline
This guideline is a supplement to the MSF Holland 'Logistic Guideline',
published in 1994. This 3rd version was printed in 1999 and deals with
We revised this guideline in order to synchronize it with the various
training modules we provide (PPD/LMC). In addition to this we up-dated this
guideline with the Logadmin Kit.
You are kindly invited to send all your comments and recommendations about
the contents and set-up of this guideline to the Field Support Unit,
? 1999 Field Support Unit
September 1999
Other Guidelines published by the FSU
An Introduction to the Cold Chain - 1st Edition
A practical Format Guide for Logistic Reporting - Co-days Edition
Drug Purchase Policy - 1st Edition
Energy Guideline - 1st Edition
Logadmin Kit - 2.0 for Windows 3.1x
Logadmin Kit - 3.0 for Windows NT
Logistic Management of Drug Distribution Programmes - 2nd Edition
Logistics in Perspective - Workshop Edition
Monitoring & Evaluating Logistics - 2nd Edition
Order Management - 5th edition
Satellite Voice/Data or Inmarsat Mini-M - Revised 2nd Edition
Transport & Freight Management - 5th Edition
Warehouse & Stock Management - 5th Edition
1.1 Key Points 5
1.2 Msf Telecommunications Policy In Practice 6
1.3 When Security Is Poor..... 6
1.4 Confidentiality 8
1.5 Selection Of Equipment 8
1.6 Faulty Or Damaged Equipment 9
2.1 Lead-Acid Batteries 11
2.2 Charging Lead-Acid Batteries 12
2.3 Battery Maintenance 13
2.4 Nickel-Cadmium Batteries 13
2.5 General Recommendations 14
2.6 Voltage Limiter (Mains Protection Unit, Mpu) 15
3.1 Starting And Managing An HF Comm's Network 16
3.2 Transceivers 17
3.3 The Codan Selcall Option 18
3.4 The Emergency Call Option 20
3.5 Frequencies 20
3.6 Propagation: Skip Zone 21
3.7 Propagation: Day And Night Frequencies 22
3.8 Antennas 24
3.9 Mobile Antennas 24
3.10 Base Antennas 24
3.11 Tuned Loop And Long Wire Antennas 25
3.12 Noise Suppression 27
3.13 Trouble Shooting (Codan) 27
4.1 Starting And Managing A Vhf Network 29
4.2 Range 30
4.3 Transceivers 31
4.4 Frequency Programming 32
4.5 Antennas 33
4.6 Repeaters 34
5.1 Inmarsat Mini-M Satellite Phone 36
5.2 Inmarsat M4 37
5.3 Iridium 37
6.1 Introduction 39
6.2 Electronic Mail 39
6.3 Internet 40
6.4 International phone connection 41
6.5 Trouble Shooting 42
6.6 Call Back 43
6.7 GSM And Cellular Phones 44
7.1 Portishead Radio Aeronautical Service 45
7.2 Technical Details HF/VHF Equipment 46
7.3 Quick Programming Guide For Icom Ic-F30lt 47
7.4 Quick Programming Guide For Kenwood Tk 250 49
7.5 Quick Programming Guide For Yeasu Ft 2500 51
7.6 Basic Instructions For Radio Operators 52
7.7 Maintenance Of Radio Equipment 53
7.8 What You Need To Know About Cc-Mail Through Internet 55
7.9 Quick Programming Guide For Codan 9780 Or 9360 58
Additional information:
Cc:mail through the Internet
Internet and providers
Codan mobile antennas
New Codan transceivers
New VHF standard
Mini-M guideline MSF-H 1999
Where there is no telephone - John R.G. Corbett
Good communications are essential for the effective running of a project.
Often the existing telecommunication infrastructure in a project country is
not suitable and therefore MSF must set up its own facilities.
The objective of this communication guideline is to give a clear overview of
all managerial, organisational and technical aspects of setting up and
operating a communication system or network.
To make the proper choices, you should base them on the overall
'communication policy', as adopted by all MSF-sections in 1998. A country
specific more detailed communication policy must be made by the Logistic
Co-ordinator and ratified by the CMT (Country Management Team).
The target group of this guideline is MSF-Holland field personnel, in
particular those who will be ordering, installing or operating communication
Special emphasis is put on the power supply of communication equipment.
Failures in power supplies are seen as the main reason of malfunctioning
communication equipment.
This guideline should be read together with the installation and operating
manuals supplied with the specific equipment.
After full understanding of this guideline and with the help of the
installation and operating guidelines of the specific equipment,
logisticians should be able to set up communication systems.
For further information on technical adjustments on specialised equipment
and configurations not shown in this guideline, please contact the Field
Support Unit in Amsterdam.
At present all MSF sections have standardised communication equipment and
wherever MSF codes are used, they refer to the 'LOGISTIC CATALOGUE' 1st
English/French edition or the 'GUIDE OF KITS AND EMERGENCY ITEMS' 99.
Paul S. Lalvani, MSH, asks about the potential use of radio connected hand
held devices for the management of drug supplies in small rural drug
Do you envisage a solar or fuel cell powered handheld computer running a
version of the Commodities Logistics Module [developed for hand held
computers] connected by radio to the central warehouse and distribution
Would it work...? Is it affordable...?
* replies to Paul Lalvani, c/o: Peter Evans, WHO at: [[email protected]][email protected][/email]
From: [[email protected]][email protected][/email]
To: [[email protected]][email protected][/email]
Subject: Use of radio
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001
Background: MSH, a non-profit group, working on a grant from the Gates
Foundation, is exploring the idea of establishing a franchise of small drug
outlets in rural areas, all of whom will be reporting to a central office.
Estimate about 300 outlets per country.
It is important to receive daily reports from these outlets, which should
ideally be a small spreadsheet like file indicating sales, number of
customers serviced, new orders, etc.
Our vision is to have a handheld device (like a psion or small Compaq hand
held computer), which runs a basic spreadsheet, accounting program. The
unit will run on batteries, which should last a few months at least. The
unit should be able to transmit data on a daily basis (any time during the
day or night). It is probably not necessary to download information into
this unit, although it is not a bad option to have.
I would like to request any ideas the group may have re: the use of VHF, HF,
hand held devices, etc. The emphasis is on a simple, low cost, high uptime
(not have to rely on tel, electricity) solution.
If you have a sense of the cost of the equipment and maintenance costs, that
would be useful.
Paul S. Lalvani
Pharmacist, MBA
Immeuble Keynes
13 Chemin du Levant
01210 Ferney
Tel: 33 4 50 40 92 89; dir 5040 2273
Fax: 33-4-5042-9874
Il n'y a pas encore de réponse à ce message.