Fièvre jaune
Hépatite B
Post00373 NEW VAX INTRO + ORDER ADS + NEW + NEWS ++ 10 September 2001
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Robert Steinglass, BASICS, contributed this thought provoking paper.
"How to introduce new combination vaccines (tetravalent and pentavalent):
some practical and ethical questions"
Replies to: [[email protected]][email protected][/email]
* or use your reply button!
Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2001
From: "Robert Steinglass"
To: Technet Moderator
Subject: a "think piece" on introduction of new vaccine
I have prepared the attached file on a practical dilemma about how to
introduce new vaccine combinations. I hope it reaches you as I cannot check
the file, as this cybercafe does not have Word Perfect.
Your comments are welcome. This might be a topic for the small working
group of Technet Forum.
How to introduce new combination vaccines (tetravalent and pentavalent):
some practical and ethical questions
(A paper submitted by Robert Steinglass to TECHNET Forum to encourage some
quick discussion.)
3 September 2001
As I have a rather thick skin, I have agreed to offer this paper to
stimulate thinking around a difficult topic. No solution is going to be
perfect as there are many trade-offs to consider. It is not intended that
this paper be sent, as is, to countries. WHO needs to decide first on how
best to introduce this topic to its regions and countries. It will be
useful for WHO to solicit input rapidly from countries which have already
introduced new combination vaccines to see what worked best.
Many countries will soon begin to receive new vaccines. They will be faced
with the challenge of guiding health workers and storeroom managers about
how to introduce these vaccines when varying stocks of DPT are already in
the field. They will need to communicate clearly with the public about this
new vaccine.
There is considerable scope for confusion unless partners provide guidance
now on factors to consider to permit a smooth introduction. The minutes
from the recent partners meeting in Abuja (10-13 July) on main issues for
the introduction of new vaccines do not include any discussion on the
following choices which must be made on how to introduce new combination
In most countries, the quantity of tetravalent (DPT + Hep B) or pentavalent
(DPT + Hep B + Hib) vaccine has been provided to cover only one full year's
birth cohort, including a 25% reserve in the first year. The GAVI
guidelines clearly state that countries will be rewarded based on their
ability to immunize additional infants over a baseline of past DPT3
coverage. However, in the year of start-up, one cohort 0-11 months of age
is already present (a "backlog") and is replaced by a second cohort of
babies born during the following 12 months. In effect, the start-up year
has a two-year cohort, leading to important implications for vaccine use.
This situation is peculiar to the first year only. In subsequent years,
only a single birth cohort needs protection.
Given limited supplies of new vaccines, several options need to be
considered. (This paper assumes that the MOH chooses to introduce the new
vaccine nationwide all at once and not to phase in introduction, although in
that case similar choices are raised.) The MOH must formulate its
introduction policy, design simple information for the public, and provide
clear guidance to field staff.
Some questions (many of them overlapping) need to be answered by the MOH
with corresponding clear messages to be formulated for the public and health
- are all infants who are alive at the time of the official start-up of the
new combination vaccine eligible to begin the three-dose series?
- should immunization with the new vaccine be limited only to babies born
after the official start-up?
- should immunization with the new vaccine also be offered to infants who
have already begun their DPT series?
- should immunization with the new vaccine be given to children over 12
months of age who have already begun, or not even begun, their DPT series?
- is there enough new vaccine for catch-up immunization of the partially
immunized or unimmunized infants and older children? is it ethical to use
the limited supply of vaccine to cover older children or children who have
started their series when there is insufficient vaccine to fully immunize
more than a single birth cohort over the coming 12 months?
- is it ethical to deny any child protection with the new vaccine? Does the
answer depend on whether the child is less than 12 months old, or whether
the child has already started their DPT series, or when the child is born
relative to the introduction of the new vaccine?
- is it practical or ethical to introduce the new vaccine starting from a
specific date with infants receiving it as either their first, second or
third dose -- but without ensuring that infants who were partially immunized
previously with DPT continue to complete all three doses of the new vaccine?
- is it acceptable and practical to offer one child one type of vaccine and
another child a different type of vaccine at the same immunization session?
- is it safe to complete the series with new vaccine if this means that the
child will receive a total of up to 5 doses of DPT?
- do the recommendations depend on the size of the stock of DTP in the
country at the time of the start-up?
Whatever policy is formulated, immunization staff will need the support or
their supervisors to apply the selected criterion consistently.
From an epidemiological and cost-effective perspective, it is important that
the maximum number of children receive the full series of three hepatitis B
doses. I am not sure about the relative efficacy of 1 or 2 doses of Hib.
Hepatitis B and hib vaccines are most effective the earlier in life they are
given. While wasteful of DPT, it is assumed that 5 doses of DPT (2 DPT
followed by three of the new combination vaccine) are not harmful, when
given with shorter intervals than is usually the case with booster doses.
It is important to set the program on the right footing from the outset in
terms of emphasizing that immunization should begin and be completed at as
early an age as possible.
If immunization is limited to babies born after the official start-up of the
new vaccine, it may be difficult for immunization staff to refuse to
vaccinate older unvaccinated infants or those infants who have already
started their DPT series. There will seem to be an excess of new vaccine in
the first few months after the start-up. This apparent excess is due to the
fact that the health facility will receive their customary 1-3 months of
supply with only a very narrow age target to vaccinate, consisting
exclusively of babies born after the official start-up. The apparent
surplus of vaccine at the beginning of the program, combined with pressure
from parents, may cause considerable difficulty for health staff offering
different vaccines on the same day to different children.
The best solution in each country may very much depend on the amount of DPT
vaccine already in stock in the country. The following assumes that there
is a sizeable quantity of DPT in the country at the time of start-up with
the new vaccine.
- Offer the new combination vaccine only to babies born after the well-
publicized official start-up date. (One compromise might be to offer new
entrants presenting themselves for immunization who are less than 3 months
of age at the time of the start-up.)
- Supply less than the standard amount of new vaccine in the first shipment,
plus 25% reserve, to each level after the start-up, as initial uptake will
be slow if the target is only babies born after the start-up.
- Maintain dual stocks of DPT and new vaccine at each level for at least six
months after the start-up.
- Immunize new entrants born before the official start-up with three doses
of DPT vaccine.
- If infants or older children over 12 months of age have already begun
their DPT series, continue the three-dose series with DPT.
- Vaccinate unimmunized children over 12 months of age with three doses of
The simple message which corresponds to the above proposal would be that
"new combination vaccine is offered only to babies born after (date or
special national/religious occasion). All other infants and children
complete their series with DPT."
Debbie Kristensen, PATH, posts 3 pages of the draft document "Giving Safe
Injections: Introducing Auto-disable Syringes" manual on ordering injection
Download the file SupplySection.pdf
Go to the website
and click on the file: SupplySection.pdf
or send an email to: [[email protected]][email protected][/email]
with the message: get technet SupplySection.pdf
*Comments and suggestions to Debbie at: [[email protected]][email protected][/email],
[email protected]
From: "Kristensen, Debra"
To: Technet Moderator
Subject: Ordering Injection Equipment
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001
Dear Allan:
I am enclosing 3 revised pages from the "Giving Safe Injections: Introducing
Auto-disable Syringes" manual. The section is entitled "Ensuring Adequate
Supplies of Injection Equipment". We have updated these pages to reflect
GAVI guidelines for ordering equipment. I submit this in hope that Technet
members familiar with this topic might provide some quick feedback. Please
note that the "Key Points" section can be ignored as it covers the key
points from the entire chapter. Thank you.
Best regards,
Debbie Kristensen
Technical Officer
Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH)
4 Nickerson Street, Seattle, WA 98109-1699 USA
Telephone: (206) 285-3500; Fax (206) 285-6619
E-Mail: [[email protected]][email protected][/email]; PATH Web Site:
Chapter 5: Using Auto-Disable Syringes
If you need to order injection equipment, the following pages will help you
calculate the number of syringes and sharps disposal containers to order for
routine immunization or campaigns. The formulas presented are consistent
with current WHO, UNICEF, and GAVI guidelines, but adjustments should be
made to reflect the needs and wastage rates of individual sites. Order
quantities must also be rounded up to match the case or box size available
from the supplier.
It is essential that each injection is delivered with a sterile syringe and
needle. Managers must therefore ensure that they order and distribute
adequate quantities of syringes for the target population to be immunized,
including an allowance for wastage. Wastage can occur when auto-disable
syringes get disabled prematurely, break, or become contaminated. Managers
can measure their site?s wastage rate using the first formula in Figure 25.
If this is not possible, then a 10% syringe wastage rate should be used.
The syringe wastage rate is converted into a wastage factor in order to
calculate the quantity of syringes to order. The second formula in Figure 25
shows how to calculate the wastage factor, which is 1.11 for a wastage rate
of 10%.
If managers are ordering auto-disable syringes for the first time, they
should establish an additional reserve stock to ensure that when demand
varies or supplies arrive late, syringes will still be available for
immunization. UNICEF and WHO estimate that a 25% reserve stock should be
ordered, in addition to the syringes to be used and those that will be
wasted. The third formula in Figure 25 shows the calculation of syringes to
be ordered for the first time, including use of the 1.25 factor for reserve
stock. If managers are re-ordering auto-disable syringes, then the quantity
of remaining syringes in stock should be subtracted from the total quantity
of syringes needed, taking into account the target population, the wastage
and the reserve stock. The fourth formula in Figure 25 shows how to
calculate the quantity of syringes to be re-ordered.
[Crossposted from E-Drug with thanks]
Selected news items reprinted under the fair use doctrine of international
copyright law:
From: E-drug
Subject: [e-drug] Inappropriate drug donations: the need for reforms
From section 'Health and human rights', The Lancet.
The Lancet. Volume 358, Number 9281, 18 August 2001
Inappropriate drug donations: the need for reforms
Individuals and organisations tend to respond to humanitarian emergencies
with an urgent desire to help those in need. The media often highlight
shortages of medicines, and donating medicines can seem a tangible way to
express concern and solidarity. Drug donations do play an important part in
humanitarian relief efforts, but they are not always the most effective way
to help. After an earthquake, the first needs are usually shelter and earth-
moving equipment. In refugee settings, priorities are clean water,
sanitation, shelter, food, and vaccines. The requirement for drugs is
determined with a comprehensive assessment of health problems.
Surplus drugs from hospitals and pharmacies in donor countries are rarely
what is most needed in emergency settings. If the medical needs of the
affected population are not clearly specified, responses from hospitals and
pharmacies are unlikely to be helpful. Surplus drugs often include free
samples or drugs returned by patients or health professionals, such as
cardiovascular drugs, gastrointestinal drugs, hormones, and anti-rheumatic
remedies. Some drugs have reached or are near their expiry date.
Antimalarials and vitamin A are commonly needed in an emergency, but are
unlikely to be among the medicines donated by western hospitals. In 1991,
Pharmaciens Sans Frontiè²¥s found that only 20% of 4 million kg of drugs
collected from 4000 pharmacies in France for international aid programmes
could be used--the rest had to be burnt.
Guidelines for drug donations were produced by several organisations during
the 1980s in response to inappropriate donations in emergency situations.
They formed the basis for internationally endorsed drug donation
guidelines.1 The 12 articles of these guidelines are based on a set of core
principles. First, there should be maximum benefit for the recipient.
Second, there should be respect for the wishes and authority of the
recipient, and support for existing government policies. Third, there should
be no double standards in quality--if the quality of an item is unacceptable
in the donor country, it is also unacceptable as a donation. Fourth, there
should be effective communication between the donor and the recipient.
After arrival in the recipient country all donated drugs should have a
shelf-life of at least 1 year. Drugs may lose their active properties after
their expiry date, and distribution through different storage levels (eg,
central store to provincial store to district facilities) can take 6-9
months. Although some drugs may continue to be safe and effective after the
expiry date, their use would not be allowed in the donor country and so they
should not be donated.
Many countries have developed a national standard drug list based on
treatment guidelines for the most common diseases, to ensure safe and
reliable treatment and optimal use of resources. The criteria for selection
of drugs are appropriateness, efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness.
Donations of drugs on the standard list, in consultation with recipients,
can be helpful. Donations of products not on the list should be made only if
there is a strong rationale, and after consultation with the recipient
country. At the community level, donation of inappropriate drugs can
interfere with management of common problems and can undermine a system
based on rational prescribing from standard drug lists, treatment protocols,
and trained national health workers.
Governments can buy essential generic drugs from reputable non-profit
procuring agencies at lower prices than brand-name drugs from large
multinational companies. Furthermore, medicines identified by international
non-proprietary names make training easier by overcoming the confusion
caused by different brand names. The use of non-proprietary names also
facilitates ordering and storage of drugs.
Despite the existence of published guidelines since the 1980s, every
emergency produces new examples of inappropriate donations. In eastern Zaire
in 1994, for example, one relief organisation chartered an aeroplane to
deliver a huge shipment of a commercial soft drink used by athletes, in the
false belief that it could be used to treat people with cholera. In fact,
this product can be dangerous if given to infants. In addition, the product
was not only bulky and difficult to store, but caused considerable waste and
was not cost-effective when compared with standard oral rehydration
therapies used to treat diarrhoea.
There are many documented cases1,2 of relief organisations, private
companies, governments, and individuals providing culturally unacceptable
and nutritionally inadequate foods; inappropriate, expired, poorly packaged,
and even dangerous drugs; and other useless relief supplies.
Donations by pharmaceutical companies can be used to obtain tax deductions
on unused stock or to stimulate a market for certain products. In April,
1999, growing concern about the appropriateness and the quality of the drugs
donated to Albania during the Kosovo refugee crisis caused the WHO to voice
its concern. Albania was assisted by a WHO consultant to develop national
guidelines for drug donations and a standardised list of drugs.
The WHO audit of Albania during May, 1999, noted that about 50% of the
donated drugs were inappropriate or useless and would have to be destroyed.
65% of drugs were due to expire within 1 year, and 32% were identified only
by brand-names that were unfamiliar to Albanian health professionals. None
of the short shelf-life donations were requested, and aid workers reported
that they could not be distributed and used before the expiry date.
Donations need to be properly thought out before they leave the donor.
Transport to the recipient country can cost more than the value of the
drugs. Packages must be clearly labelled in a language that can be read in
the region and units of drugs, such as blister packs, should not have been
opened or used. Sometimes consignments remain at the point of entry for
months because arrangements were not made for distribution on arrival.
Storage costs and taxes may also be demanded.
If drugs are not appropriate then the recipient has to ensure their safe
disposal, which also poses difficulties. Between 1992 and mid-1996 in Bosnia
and Herzegovina, about 17 000 tonnes of inappropriate donations cost US$34
million to destroy. There were neither high temperature incinerators nor
specialist chemical waste treatment centres necessary for safe drug
disposal.2 An incinerator supplied to Macedonia by the UK at the time of the
Kosovo refugee crisis did not comply with British or EU emission standards.
In response to such difficulties WHO have developed and published guidelines
for the disposal of drugs.3
In most humanitarian energencies, a financial contribution is more
appropriate than donation of medicines. Such aid allows purchase and
transport from specialist procuring agencies, at a fraction of the cost of
supplying products from another country. The frustration of waiting for
consignments of donated medicines, only to find that most were useless, led
the Eritreans to develop their own manufacturing plant for commonly used
medicines during their war for independence. By the end of 1987, this plant
was able to prepare all intravenous fluids and 40% of the tablets and
capsules needed in Eritrea. The plant formed the basis of the national
manufacturing programme which has developed since independence.
Inappropriate donations need to be prevented and recipients must be able to
refuse unwanted gifts. Ideally, the government of a disaster-affected
country should monitor the quality of the assistance and ensure that
inappropriate aid is rejected. Without government controls, the lead aid
agency in a relief programme should exert its authority on monitoring the
quality of donations. Well-informed media could play a part in exposing
agencies, companies, and governments that persist in sending useless drugs
to countries facing humanitarian crises.
In the long-term, the problem of inappropriate drug donations needs to be
resolved by relief agencies through education of the public and by
maintaininng a commitment to high standards through consultation with the
media, policy makers, and the drug industry. On a positive note, the world's
newest nation, East Timor, has already developed a national standard drug
list to cover all health facilities, and procurement policies that preclude
drug donations.
Beverley Snell
International Health Unit
Macfarlane Burnet Centre for Medical Research
PO Box 254, Fairfield, Victoria 3078, Australia
1. WHO. Guidelines for drug donations. Geneva: WHO, 1999.
2. Forte G, Alderslade B. Inappropriate drug-donation practices in
Bosnia and herzegovina. N Engl J Med 1998; 338: 1473.
3. WHO. Guidelines for safe disposal of unwanted pharmaceuticals
in and after emergencies. Geneva: WHO, 1999.
Crossposted from 'HIF-net at WHO with thanks:
['HIF-net at WHO' profile: Tom O'Connell works in WHO's Vaccines &
Biologicals/EPI (Expanded Programme on Immunization) to coordinate a
management strengthening project for EPI managers at national and
subnational levels. This project will: 1). produce a comprehensive set of
management tools & resources; 2) develop a continuous training component to
build national managerial capacity; and 3) develop national electronic
capacity through creation of a web-based interactive resource center and
electronic managerial discussion forums open to all EPI managers. He is
especially interested in hearing of successful electronic support services
for managers of immunization programmes and other related health services
delivery programmes. ]
From: [[email protected]][email protected][/email]
To: Technet Moderator
Subject: Introducing the training focal point for the Management
Strengthening Project
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 1
Dear All,
I would like to introduce a new member of the V&B team. Ms. Jhilmil Bahl is
a Technical Officer who has been hired as the training focal point for the
UNF-funded project to strengthen the management of immunization services.
She will help in the design and development of a training resource centre,
which will organise all V&B training materials, including the creation off a
databank of training aids, questions, case studies, etc that will be made
available to national programmes.
She will also help design & develop project training materials (e.g.
facilitator's guide) as well as the design of a reference CD-ROM and website
for managers of immunization programmes.
I have enclosed a brief bio on Jhilmil below.
Thomas O'Connell
Technical Officer, Office M323
Expanded Programme on Immunization
World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20
CH-1211 Geneva 27
Telephone: 41 22 791 4957
Fax: 41 22 791 4193
E-mail: [[email protected]][email protected][/email]
Jhilmil has a masters degree in Instructional design from Syracuse
University, New York and varied experience in diverse training environments.
Her skills include:
* Designing training programs and training materials- information gathering,
content structuring, technical writing & editing, workbook design & layout,
creating graphics, standardizing training materials. She also has experience
with conducting training needs assessment and quality assurance. Recently
she worked with the Mental Health Program to design their training
materials. She also created workbook for a workshop commissioned by United
States Information Agency, and created several other training materials.
* She has experience in designing and producing interactive CD-ROMs-
storyboarding, converting web pages, building search features and
interactivity, programming and developing, testing. Recently, she created a
CD-ROM to teach effective web searching skills. Her history includes working
in a company developing commercial computer based training CD-ROMs.
* Other skills include designing and maintaining Websites - consulting with
people in regions to design their web site and training them on web design
software, creating website for training follow-up activities As a project
Manager, Multimedia in her previous job, she worked on several web projects
- , (others listed
in my CV) She also designed WHO's IT training website
* Delivering training - she has conducted stand up training, workshops,
presentations in WHO for the past 4 years.
* Train the trainer effort- designing trainer/facilitator manuals as well as
co-ordinating and participating in several train the trainer workshops.
* She will provide IT support to the project, being proficient in many
computer applications.
Tom O'Connell, WHO/V&B/EPI, kindly post the program of management training
course in Zambia in November 2001.
* For more information contact:
Tom O'Connell, WHO/V&B/EPI; e-mail [[email protected]][email protected][/email] Tel. (+44-22) 791-4957
To: Technet Moderator
Subject: CORRECTED dates for Management Training for Tanzania & Zambia
Dear All,
Tanzania: Training of trainers Oct 25-26, 5-day workshop: Oct 29 to Nov 2
(these dates have been confirmed)
For Zambia, the dates are still TENTATIVE: Training of Trainers: Nov 22-23,
5-day workshop: Nov 26 to Nov 30
The Agenda for Zambia is attached, with the correct dates. The agenda for
Tanzania will be sent out shortly.
November 22 - 23
Day 1
* Opening ceremony
* Goals of the week and goals of the day
* Presentation on "The Multi-Year Plan for Zambia: Priority Goals"
* Presentation on "Problem Solving: workshop process & training methods"
* Presentation on "Problem Identification"
* Small groups work: "Problem identification"
* Plenary session: "Consensus on priority training problem"
* Presentation on "Problem analysis: tracing the causes"
* Plenary: What essential information is needed to determine causes of
* Presentation on "methods to develop alternative solutions"
* Small groups work: Brainstorming.
* Presentation on "Planning for action"
Day 2
* General comments and "Goals of the Day"
* Presentation on "Development of a Plan of Implementation"
* Exercise on "Development of a Plan of Action & Implementation"
* Plenary: "Plan of Action and Implementations" by each group
* Discussion on "Participant workshop manual"
* Discussion on "Facilitators roles and responsibilities during the
* Presentation on " The follow-up workshop"
* Discussion on "Facilitators' roles and responsibilities after the
* Closing ceremony
November 26 - 30
Day 1
* Opening ceremony
* Presentation on "The EPI program in Zambia"
* Presentation on "Problem Solving for Better Immunization Programs"
* Goals of the week and goals of the day
* Assigning of participants in to small groups, each with a national
* Presentation on "Problem identification"
* Development of problem list by small groups
Day 2
* General comments and "Goals of the Day"
* Presentation of "List of problems" developed by the groups
* Presentation: Problem Analysis
* Small groups work: Defining data needed and objective to be achieved
* Plenary: The need for a management information system
* Presentation: Developing alternative solutions
* Presentation: Priority setting
Day 3
* General comments and "Goals of the Day"
* Small groups work: brainstorming alternatives
* Presentation: Choosing the best solution: what is realistic?
* Plenary: Debate on list of "alternatives" developed by each group
* Presentation: "The Plan of Action":
* Small groups work: Development of "Plan of Action"
Day 4
* General comments and "Goals of the Day"
* Small groups work: Continue on "Development of Plan of Action"
* Plenary: Debate on Plan of Action developed by each group
* Presentation on "Implementing a Plan of Action"
* Small groups work: "Implementing a Plan of Action"
Day 5
* General comments and "Goals of the Day"
* Plenary: Debate on implementation actions recommended by each group
* Presentation on "Monitoring and Evaluating"
* Small groups work: "Ensuring monitoring and evaluation of the PoA"
* Presentation & discussion: follow-up workshop and expectations for
* Closing ceremony
[Forwarded from AFRO-Nets]
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Selected news items reprinted under the fair use doctrine of international
copyright law:
"Polio Cases Drop Sharply in Pakistan"
Associated Press ( (09/06/01)
According to World Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean Regional
Director Hussein Gezairy, the polio eradication effort in Pakistan has
reduced the number of polio cases from 199 at this time last year to just 35
cases so far in 2001. As part of the global effort to eradicate polio by
2005, health officials routinely go door-to-door in Pakistan for polio
vaccination campaigns. The next round of the national immunization program
in the country will start on Sept. 25, with another set for early November.
"Yellow Fever Strikes Ivory Coast, UN Seeks Help"
Reuters ( (09/05/01)
The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified an outbreak of 20 cases
of yellow fever in Abidjan, the commercial capital of Ivory Coast. In
response to Ivory Coast's request for assistance, the health organization
sent a team of medical experts to assess the situation and to assist in the
administration of 3 million doses of yellow fever vaccine. On Wednesday,
the WHO made an urgent appeal for $2.9 million to help fund the emergency
vaccination effort. The mosquito-borne viral disease causes hepatitis,
jaundice, and kidney failure.
"Post-Polio Syndrome Hits Hundreds in Metro Area"
Detroit News ( (08/26/01) P. 5; Schabath, Gene
Although the polio virus has been eradicated from the United States,
patients who got polio in their childhood and recovered are now experiencing
post-polio syndrome, which has symptoms of weakening muscles, difficulty
breathing and swallowing, fatigue, and unusual strain. Michigan's St. John
Hospital Health System has established in Shelby Township a post-polio
clinic that helps post-polio syndrome patients with their unique problems.
The problems are caused by the combination of polio and the natural
progression of aging, says Daniel Ryan, the clinic's medical director. Ryan
believes the clinic will be obsolete in about 20 years, because most of the
people who got polio in their childhood are in their 50s and 60s, and the
next generation will not have post-polio syndrome thanks to the availability
of the polio vaccine.
"Doctor's Hepatitis B Infection Kills Patient"
Glasgow Herald (Scotland) ( (08/23/01) P. 1;
Montgomery, David
In Dunfermline, Scotland, an elderly patient at Queen Margaret Hospital has
died after being accidentally infected by a doctor with hepatitis B. A
second elderly patient also contracted the disease. The Fife Health Board
is now contacting the approximately 350 patients who were exposed to the
doctor. An investigation has now been set up to find out how the patients
were infected and how the doctor's condition went undetected, a spokeswoman
for the Fife Health Board said. Dr. Charles Saunders, acting director of
public health at Fife Health Board, says it is not clear at the moment how
the doctor had contracted the virus, because the doctor involved had
followed Scottish Executive guidelines on health care workers and hepatitis
B. Saunders added that the board is currently working closely with experts
in blood-borne infection and virology from Edinburgh and the Scottish Centre
for Infection and Environmental Health in Glasgow.
"Improving Vaccines Are Helping in Fight Against Hepatitis B" Glasgow Herald
(Scotland) ( (08/23/01) P. 2; Macdermid, Alan
Hepatitis B virus infection is transmitted via tainted blood or blood
products, contaminated needles, sexual contact, and from infected mothers to
their infants. Symptoms of hepatitis B infection include skin rashes, joint
pains, fever, loss of appetite and energy, inflammation of the liver, and
jaundice. Patients with chronic hepatitis B infection may experience
cirrhosis, liver cancer, and even death. In the last couple of decades,
vaccines against the disease have improved greatly, and they are now
routinely given to health workers and other people who may be at risk.
"Hepatitis Rate Spikes in China"
Associated Press ( (08/22/01); Fackler, Martin
The Chinese province of Guangdong has one of the world's highest rates of
hepatitis B infection, with studies indicating that 75 percent of the
population, or about 10 million people, has been infected with the virus.
Early reports, according to Luo Huiming of the Guangdong Diseases Control
and Prevention Center, suggest that two-thirds of China's people have been
infected with hepatitis B. A researcher at the China Academy of Medical
Prevention noted that the most common means of hepatitis B virus
transmission in China is dirty needles, which are often reused in poor
areas. There are effective shots to prevent hepatitis B virus infection;
however, the vaccines are too costly for most Chinese and national health
insurance does not cover the price.
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