Dear All,
USAID is partnering with Digital Square to assess how governments and investors can harness existing digital tools and platforms to efficiently support response efforts in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, including supporting vaccine planning, distribution and monitoring.
We need your help! Please help us better understand the digital tool landscape in these countries by filling out this survey. If you or your organization are supporting deployment and implementation of digital tools in the above countries, we want to hear from you. We ask you that you kindly complete this survey by 19 February 2020. We estimate it will take you 15 minutes per tool per country to complete this information.
USAID and Digital Square are partnering with WHO and a large number of investors on this activity including BMGF, CDC, GIZ, UNICEF, World Bank and others. Findings from this project will inform country briefs, highlighting digital tools deployed at scale in countries, those already being used in the COVID-19 response, and opportunities for harnessing existing tools for different COVID-19 use cases. Data is also being shared with the UNICEF for COVAX coordination, and the WHO to update the Digital Health Atlas.
Currently, this assessment focuses on following countries: Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Cameroon, Cote D’Ivoire, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Myanmar, Niger, Pakistan, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, and Zambia.
Thank you in advance for your important contribution to this work!
USAID and Digital Square
If the link above does not work please go to this URL for access to the survey:
If you want to your country added to this assessment or have any questions regarding the survey, please reach out to [email protected] and [email protected].