Mercredi 12 Décembre 2012
  2 réponses
  6.9K visites
For achieving >90% coverage in the shortest period at the session site level, a one-pager offline tool, which I wish to name as 'IMMUNOGRAM', is adequate. This tool incorporates the basic principle of 'My Village My Home', suitably expanded for IWs (Immunization Weeks) of IRI (Intensification of Routine Immunization) to begin with. This can serve several functions like: 1. 'LODO meter'; 2. 'LODO inhibitor'; 3. 'Herdimmunometer'; 4. Calculation of 'Child specific drop-outs; 5. Interval between subsequent doses, etc. I wish to share the experience with an example of only one session site as a template of evidence. This is scalable. After using this in the field practice area of a poor-performing district with supportive monitoring coverage visibly improved in the study area. Hoping to expand the use of this tool elsewhere also. 11122012-2144_IMMUNOGRAM.doc
12 years ago
Dear Praveen, The numbering starts from the bottom-up for that antigen -- counting the number of due children to be mobilized in the coming month -- April in this case. For example, 3 children were to be mobilized for BCG vaccination in the month of April form this cohort (from 01-04-2010 to 31-03-12). Similarly, 2/3/2/5 (2 children for OPV 1st dose, 3 children for OPV 2nd dose, 2 children for OPV 3rd dose and 5 children for OPV booster doses) were to be mobilized for OPV1/2/3/ booster doses in April. This is summarized on top in pencil in the hard copy of the Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM). Once the session is over, she will update the sheet and telephonically inform me so that I, too, can include the update on my laptop on the same evening as both of us have the same sheet in hard/soft form. At the same time, the number of children to be mobilized for the month of May were counted antigen-wise, and dose-wise. The ANM erases the April pencil entries and re-enters the data for May. To this, any newcomer can be added by the Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA)/Anganwadi Worker (AWW) on entering into the area during the interval period of four weeks. This helps her in indenting the vaccines and managing the logistics. I call her on the session day to wish her all the best and to tell her to mobilize all available children, thus doing supportive monitoring and appreciating her efforts. The same evening again the data is updated and the cycle continues. Dr Holla
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