Chaîne d'approvisionnement
Burkina Faso
Gavi, l'Alliance du vaccin
Gestion des déchets
Gestion de vaccin
Webinar: New guidance for managing health care waste produced by your immunisation program
August 20, 2020, 9:00 a.m. EST / 3:00 p.m. CEST (Geneva)
Join Gavi and UNICEF for a webinar on health care waste management with a focus on the immunisation program. As immunisation increasingly reaches more people, health care waste (HCW) also grows. Certain types of HCW can pose significant environmental and public health risks due to its toxic, infectious, and other hazardous properties. The presenters will highlight two new tools to help the planning and implementation of best practices for waste management:
- Gavi’s Health Care Waste Management in Immunisation Programs: Guidance for Proposal Planning. This guide (and the accompanying Synthesis and Maturity Model) encourages countries to address health care waste management (HCWM) through a coordinated effort across many entities within the Ministry of Health (MOH), Ministry of Environment (MOE), other government units, local authorities responsible for waste management, partners, and even the private sector. This guide was designed to help you to prepare and plan your HCWM system, and to clarify your country’s HCWM status to help you develop proposals for funding and investment from an immunisation perspective.
- UNICEF’s Appropriate Disposal of Immunisation Waste (ADIW) platform. To support countries to effectively manage immunisation waste generated from both routine immunisation and supplementary immunisation activities (SIAs), the Appropriate Disposal (ADIW) platform allows stakeholders at district, province/regional or national level to consensually design and implement safe handling, storage, treatment and disposal practices/culture.
- Dr. Karan Sagar. A medical doctor and Public health professional with over 20 years experience and wide exposure in varied settings, Governmental, Bilateral / Multilateral and with the Non-Governmental organisations. For last 6 ½ years he has been working with Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. He is currently with the health system and immunisation strengthening team as Senior Specialist Immunisation where he supports the health system policy, design, and monitoring work, and also leads the Secretariat’s supply chain team.
- Dr. Adama Sawadogo. Dr Adama Sawadogo is a Cold Chain & Vaccine management Specialist within the Immunization Unit at UNICEF’s Programme Division. Prior to joining UNICEF Headquarters in New York in 2013, Dr Sawadogo worked in Burkina Faso as a Research Engineer at the National Institute for Solar Energy for 8 years and with WHO, for immunization programs in AFRO at country and regional levels for 11 years. He has developed expertise in Immunization Supply Chain management with a special focus on strengthening cold chain, vaccine and waste management. He provides technical support to regions and countries for the development of technical guidance, capacity building, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the vaccine supply chain in routine immunization and campaigns contexts. Dr Sawadogo is a resource person providing expert advice to different global committees: The Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (IPAC), the Controlled Temperature Chain working group (CTC-WG), the Procurement Reference Group for Ebola Vaccines (PRG for Ebola), the EVM Core Technical Team, etc. In 2015, he led the Country Implementation Group within the Global Ebola Vaccine Implementation Team to develop guidance document for Ebola vaccine deployment in countries. Dr Sawadogo is a mechanical Engineer and holds a Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Ph.D. degrees from Laval University in Canada
- Amos Chweya. Mr. Chweya is a Regional Immunization Logistics Technical Officer for JSI, building on his more than 25 years as a public health logistician with expertise in selection, quantification, procurement, warehousing and distribution of medical supplies in line with national and international policies and guidelines. He specializes in vaccine cold chain equipment, vaccine forecasting for multiyear planning, vaccine supply chain sizing, procurement and logistics management of immunization activities. Since beginning his career as an Officer in Charge of Vaccine Management with the Ministry of Health/Kenya, Mr. Chweya has been instrumental both in Kenya and across Africa through technical support for managing and improving the vaccine supply chain. Mr. Chweya holds a Master Degree of Public Health, as well as a Certificate on Biological Products Technology from Osaka University, and Medical Laboratory Technology Diplomas.
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