Mardi 26 Avril 2022
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Dear Colleagues and Partners,

Each April, World Immunization Week (WIW) brings together people from around the world to highlight the importance of vaccines and how they protect people of all ages against many diseases, giving us the opportunity to pursue a life well-lived. This year’s campaign comes at an especially critical time as the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted essential health services, including routine immunization, setting back progress by more than a decade. Unfortunately, millions of people are still missing out on the life-saving benefits of vaccines, making it urgent to catch up and reach those who have been missed.  

Dr Tedros yesterday launched WIW 2022 (24 – 30 April), with the central theme “Long Life for All”, aiming to unify people around the idea that vaccines make it possible for us to follow our dreams, protect our loved ones and live a long, healthy life.  We welcome you to watch the launch at: It’s time to get essential immunization back on track - YouTube

Today, we also celebrate World Malaria Day under the theme “Harness innovation to reduce the malaria disease burden and save lives.” Please visit World Malaria Day 2022 ( for further resources.

Please join us spread the word, engage your networks and stay updated by following #LongLifeforAlland #WorldImmunizationWeekon social media and visiting our campaign website for more information.

Thank you #LongLifeforAll 

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