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The WHO Department of Immunization Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB) is pleased to announce the upcoming second webinar series on Why Gender Matters for Immunization: IA2030.  The Immunization Agenda 2030 e...


Hep B  vaccination at birth  may not be necessary in India, says study A large multi-centre study done in North India shows that many newborns are protected at birth by natural antibodies to Hepatitis-B and so Hep-B vaccination at birth is not necessary. The study funded by the Indian Council of M...
PATH’s Freeze-Safe innovation sets a new benchmark, helping protect vaccine potency, reducing health worker burden, and providing cost savings to health systems Seattle, February 7, 2018—This week, the first commercially available freeze-free vaccine carrier will begin introductory field trials in ...
Hi, I am in need of the following items and I am looking for supplier recommendations. Just need a few of each for R&D.   Empty vaccine vials with stoppers Glycol solution for vaccine vials Portable vaccine cooler (used to carry vaccine to remote locations)   Thanks for the help  ...
hello every body Can you please share with me your SOPs for the managment and control of cold rooms. Best regards, Tarek...
Un cours Scholar pour les praticiens de la santé impliqués dans la planification de la vaccination, pour développer leur capacité  L’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) invite les praticiens qui contribuent directementà la planification de la vaccination au niveau national ou infra-national à s...
Dear TechNet Members, Empower School of Health (ESH), launches the 12th batch of Post-graduate Diploma Course in Global Health PROCUREMENT & SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT, which has been developed in collaboration with Kent State University (KSU). Capacity building in PSM is one of the thrust areas of p...
Dear TechNet community members, Warm greetings! The cold chain situation in many countries is sub-optimal and affects the capacity of national immunization programs to deliver potent vaccines to all women and children.To help improve this situation, the Gavi Board approved the Cold Chain Equipment ...
 Dear all, India is more committed, last case of WPV1 was in Jan 2011, along with other 10 countries got the certificate of eradication in March 2014. But as long as there is wild virus circulating in any part of the world, threat exists and may revert back to pre-eradication era as opined by the ...
Dear colleagues,  Wanted to share the recent article we wrote about the big pivot we made in Afghanistan and the story of perseverance and flexibility in partnerships.  It’s great to collaborate with partners, that persevere on the outcomes and are flexible to change the methods, which for us was ...
Dear Friends, I share the following story recently published in the New York Times on the leveraging of policy to bring about quick change in measles coverage in California, USA following the measles outbreak of 2014. The story can be obtained from here with all accompanying graphics: https://nyti....
Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que le Centre LOGIVAC organise la Formation en Chaîne de Froid Solaire, du 12 au 17 février 2018. Les dossiers d’inscription seront reçus jusqu’au 30 janvier 2018. Délivrée entièrement en présentiel à destination des agents de maintenance et logisticiens du PE...
Dear TechNet community members, Happy New Year! We’d like to wish you all the best that life has to offer: health, peace and joy! Welcoming 2018, we are excited to announce that the TechNet-21 Resources Page on National Logistic Working Groups (NLWGs) has just been launched. The NLWG Resources Page...
A new report has been released that updates information on the occurrence of home-based record (e.g, vaccination cards, child health books) stock-outs. The open access article can be accessed online, and is also attached here. Similar to vaccine stock-outs, disruptions in the supply chain of home-b...
 I am setting up an alarm to indicate to high a temperature in a vaccine refrigerator.  I would appreciate it if someone could tell me the reccomended temperature and the time that  temperature must be maintained to set off the alarm?   My second question is if you what that time and temperature...
Dear viewers. We the KVG team wish a happy new year and wish to share the post on BCG vaccination. As a question of justice, world wants to end TB by 2030 – the major killer among infectious diseases often hand in glove with HIV / AIDS. India aims to achieve the same by 2025. Specific vaccination...
Dear TechNet viewers We wish you all a merry Christmas and happy new year to come. We wish to share the attached PPT on anti rabies vaccine administration presented in the integrated teaching session to the PGs & Faculties of departments of KVG Medical College. The ppt is free for editing for fur...
Dear all Please find the attached example, illustrating the grievous impact of using vaccination cards that are not compatible with the current National Immunization Schedule (NIS). As per the study conducted recently, >10% beneficiaries avail vaccination services from the private sector ranging fr...
by Dr Blanche ANYA and Dr David BROWN During 21-24 February 2017, representatives from Cameroon, Ethiopia, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda and Uganda gathered in Kampala, Uganda to rethink and improve their country’s current home-based record design and functionality as well as the broader system that sup...
Most of the countries now have improved immunization coverages and reach more children with vaccination, but we still need to monitor the potency of vaccines that are given on top of the high coverages we have achieved in many countries. One of the biggest challenges when we talk about vaccine pot...
AWAY WITH THE DOGMA! 1: “Monitoring Closed Vial Wastage”   This is the first Blog in a series to encourage vaccine supply chain planners to consider changes without being constrained by some, dogmatic operational policies of the Expanded Program on Immunization. Taking one issue at a time I shall ...
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