•   Md Moniruzzaman Munir a réagi à cette publication il y a 4 ans
    Joshua Anumolu a créé une nouvelle discussion
    Vaccine Carrier Survey


    I hope this message finds you safe during this chaotic time. A group of students and researchers at the University of Pennsylvania are developing an actively-cooled vaccine carrier powered by metal energy harvesting technology. We are in the process of creating the first prototype, and are seeking your feedback on what features (if any) of carriers most need improvement. Your advice and feedback is very helpful to us in determining what to focus on going forward, and even if we should move forward at all. The 5-minute survey will remain available until April 1. Thank you for your time. 


    Joshua Anumolu (feel free to connect at [email protected])

    Link to survey: https://forms.gle/ADatAxEZ5DQkXMrj7

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