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  • Géraldine Nemrod a créé un nouvel événement

    Vaccines and Antimicrobial Resistance

    A live webinar organised by CDDEP, in collaboration with the WHO

    How can vaccines address the problem with AMR?


    Dr. Hanan Balkhy, 
    Assistant-Director General for AMR, WHO

    Deepali Patel MPH, Acting Head, Policy, Gavi

    Dr. Padmini Srikantiah, 
    Senior Program Officer, AMR Strategy Lead
    Bill & Melinda…

    A live webinar organised by CDDEP, in collaboration with the WHO

    How can vaccines address the problem with AMR?


    Dr. Hanan Balkhy, 
    Assistant-Director General for AMR, WHO

    Deepali Patel MPH, Acting Head, Policy, Gavi

    Dr. Padmini Srikantiah, 
    Senior Program Officer, AMR Strategy Lead
    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    Dr. Mateusz Hasso-Agopsowicz, 
    Technical Officer, WHO

    Dr. Joseph Lewnard, 
    Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley 

    With an introduction from Dr. Ramanan Laxminarayan, Director at CDDEP.

    This is part of a webinar series celebrating 10 years of CDDEP, highlighting research on Antimicrobial Resistance, Vaccines, and COVID-19

    Note: You can also follow this webinar LIVE on Facebook at:

    (this does not require a Facebook account)


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    25 Mar 2021 à 13:30 - 14:30 - UTC
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