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Assessment of immunization registry databases as supplemental sources of data to improve ascertainment of vaccination coverage estimates in the national immunization survey.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the use of immunization registry data to supplement missing or incomplete vaccination data reported by immunization providers (referred to as providers" hereafter) in the National Immunization Survey. DESIGN: Cross-sectional random-digit-dialing telephone survey to measure vaccination coverage among children aged 19 to 35 months in the United States. SETTING: Four sites with mature (with >67% of provider participation in the area) immunization registries. PARTICIPANTS: Of the 639 children with complete household interviews interviewers had consent from the respondents for 569 (89.0%) children to contact their providers and for 556 (87.0%) children to contact both providers and registries. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Percentages of children up-to-date for vaccines based on data from providers registries and both sources combined. RESULTS: According to provider-reported data weighted estimates of coverage for the recommended childhood vaccine series 4:3:1:3 at the 4 sites were 65.6% 78.


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