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Effect of a text messaging intervention on influenza vaccination in an urban- low-income pediatric and adolescent population: a randomized controlled trial.

CONTEXT: Influenza infection results in substantial costs- morbidity- and mortality. Vaccination against influenza is particularly important in children and adolescents who are a significant source of transmission to other high-risk populations- yet pediatric and adolescent vaccine coverage remains low. Traditional vaccine reminders have had a limited effect on low-income populations/ however- text messaging is a novel- scalable approach to promote influenza vaccination. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate targeted text message reminders for low-income- urban parents to promote receipt of influenza vaccination among children and adolescents. DESIGN- SETTING- AND PARTICIPANTS: Randomized controlled trial of 9213 children and adolescents aged 6 months to 18 years receiving care at 4 community-based clinics in the United States during the 2010-2011 influenza season. Of the 9213 children and adolescents- 7574 had not received influenza vaccine prior to the intervention start date and were included in the primary analysis. INT


  • Anglais

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Ajouté le: 2022-12-09 02:43:51

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