Article de revue

Indagine conoscitiva sulle anagrafi vaccinali informatizzate in Italia

Computerized immunization registries are essential for conducting and monitoring vaccination programs. In fact,

they enable to improve vaccine offering to target population, generating needed-immunization lists and assessing

levels of vaccination coverage.

In 2007, a national survey on immunization registries was conducted in Italy. In February 2007, all the 21 Regional

Health Authorities (RHAs) completed and returned an ad hoc questionnaire. In June 2007, RHAs were further

contacted by telephone in order to verify and update the information provided in questionnaires.

In 9 Italian Regions (42,8%), vaccination registries are computerized in all Local Health Units (LHUs). In fi ve of

these Regions, all LHUs use the same software, while in the remaining four Regions, different softwares are in use.

In six additional Regions (28,6%), only some LHUs use computerized immunization registries (range 61.5%-95%).

In the remaining 6 Regions (28,6%), which are all in Southern Italy, there are no computerised immunization registries

at all. In total, computerised immunization registries cover 126/180 Italian LHUs (70%); in 76/126 (60%)

of these LUHs, immunization registries are linked with population registries.

This survey shows the need to improve the implementation of computerised immunization registries in Italy, especially in Southern Regions.


  • Italien

Année de publication



Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunita




Article de revue


  • Données


  • Italie


  • Electronic health records
  • ICT
  • Registries

Régions de l'OMS

  • Région européenne

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Ajouté le: 2015-07-02 04:58:02

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