Article de revue

Management of healthcare waste: developments in Southeast Asia in the twenty-first century

In many Southeast Asian countries, significant challenges persist with regard to the proper management and disposal of healthcare waste. The amount of healthcare waste in these countries is continuously increasing as a result of the expansion of healthcare systems and services. In the past, healthcare waste, if it was treated at all, was mainly incinerated. In the last decade more comprehensive waste management systems were developed for Southeast Asian countries and implementation started. This also included the establishment of alternative healthcare waste treatment systems. The developments in the lower-middle-income countries are of special interest, as major investments are planned. Based upon sample projects, a short overview of the current development trends in the healthcare waste sector in Laos, Indonesia and Vietnam is provided. The projects presented include: (i) Lao Peoples Democratic Republic (development of the national environmental health training system to support the introduction of environm


  • Anglais

Année de publication



Waste Manag Res.


Suppl. 9


Article de revue


  • Gestion de programme


  • Indonésie
  • Viet Nam


  • Waste management

Régions de l'OMS

  • Région de l'Asie du Sud-Est
  • Région du Pacifique occidental

Ajouté par: Moderator

Ajouté le: 2015-10-26 04:50:47

Consultations: 1271