Étude de cas

Keeping Track of Vietnam's Vaccines

Project Optimize, a collaboration between the World Health Organization and PATH, is helping national immunization programs prepare for the future. This fact sheet describes how project Optimize worked in Vietnam with national, regional, and local partners to help introduce VaxTrak, a software program that allows users at various levels of the health system to track vaccine stock and report monthly immunization activity. Find out more about PATH’s work in digital health solutions.


  • Anglais

Année de publication



Étude de cas


  • Données


  • Viet Nam


  • SIGL
  • Optimize

Régions de l'OMS

  • Région du Pacifique occidental

Références sur le sujet


A case for better immunization information systemsPATH, World Health Organization (WHO)2013GuidanceAnglais, Français
Before and After: How an Online Immunization Registry has Benefitted Health Workers in AlbaniaPATH, World Health Organization (WHO)2013Case studyAnglais, Français
Immunization information systems: IIS in AlbaniaPATH, World Health Organization (WHO)2013Case studyAnglais
Immunization information systems: ImmReg in VietnamPATH, World Health Organization (WHO)2013Case studyAnglais
Immunization information systems: Logistimo in South SudanPATH, World Health Organization (WHO)2013Case studyAnglais
Immunization information systems: VaxTrak in VietnamPATH, World Health Organization (WHO)2013Case studyAnglais
Immunization information systems: vrMIS in MozambiquePATH, World Health Organization (WHO)2013Case studyAnglais
Immunization information systems: wVSSM in TunisiaPATH, World Health Organization (WHO)2013Case studyAnglais
Keeping Track of Vietnam's VaccinesPATH, World Health Organization (WHO)2012Case studyAnglais
PATH Immunization Information Systems - OverviewPATH2013GuidanceAnglais
Planning an Information Systems Project: A Toolkit for Public Health ManagersJan Grevendonk, Brian Taliesin, Dan Brigden, PATH, World Health Organization (WHO)2013GuidanceAnglais
Pourquoi devrait-on améliorer les systèmes d'information pour la vaccination?PATH2013GuidanceFrançais
Vietnam’s Immunization Registries Go OnlinePATH, World Health Organization (WHO)2013Case studyAnglais

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