Étude de cas

The Effects of Dose Per Container Change in Zambia

This case study describes the impact of changing to 5-dose measles containing vaccine in Zambia with improved coverage, lower wastage rate and no cold chain constraints.


  • Anglais

Année de publication



Dose Per Container Partnership


Étude de cas


  • Vaccins et dispositifs d'administration


  • Rougeole


  • Zambie


  • La Foundation Bill et Melinda Gates


  • Coverage monitoring
  • Distribution system
  • Missed opportunities for vaccination (MOV)
  • Planning, budgeting and financing
  • Wastage

Régions de l'OMS

  • Région africaine

Références sur le sujet


Ghana: Understanding Changes in Vaccine PresentationDose Per Container Partnership2018Case studyAnglais
Immunization Tools to Help the Dose Per Container DecisionDose Per Container Partnership2018Case studyAnglais
Information Gaps in Decision-Making on Vaccine Presentation in 3 Francophone CountriesDose Per Container Partnership2017Case studyAnglais
Introducing 5-dose Measles-Rubella Vaccine Vials in Zambia: Research FindingsDose Per Container Partnership2019Case studyAnglais
Measles Vaccination in Zambia: Balancing Coverage & WastageDose Per Container Partnership2018Case studyAnglais
Modeling to Support Decision-Making for 5-dose Measles-Rubella Routine Vaccination in ZambiaDose Per Container Partnership2018Case studyAnglais
Senegal: Weighing the Costs and Benefits of Changing DPCDose Per Container Partnership2018Case studyAnglais
The Effects of Dose Per Container Change in ZambiaDose Per Container Partnership2019Case studyAnglais
Vaccination in Zambia - Healthworker Experiences Using 5-dose MR VaccineDose Per Container Partnership2018Case studyAnglais
Vietnam: Effects of Changing Dose per Container on the Immunization SystemDose Per Container Partnership2018Case studyAnglais

Ajouté par: Wendy Prosser

Ajouté le: 2020-03-13 04:06:25

Consultations: 1429

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