The COVID-19 pandemic has placed unprecedented pressure on state, tribal, local, and territorial health departments. This website provides health departments and their staff with training resources and expert guidance to effectively communicate about COVID-19 disease and vaccination to partners, other health jurisdictions, and members of the public.

Each module is divided into brief, self-paced trainings on key topics—the SARS-CoV-2 virus, vaccine regulatory processes, the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in the US, and how to address vaccine hesitancy and build trust.

The Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Training Initiative draws on resources at the Bloomberg School of Public Health and Johns Hopkins University to provide COVID-19 training support for public health workers across the U.S.


  • Anglais

Année de publication





  • Prestation de services


  • COVID-19

Ajouté par: Géraldine Nemrod

Ajouté le: 2021-04-20 05:37:02

Consultations: 996