
Standard Competencies Framework for the Immunization Workforce, Developing standardized competencies to strengthen immunization systems and workforce

To be useful, competencies are not developed in a vacuum. The competencies framework links the competencies of the workforce to the objectives of an organization, both for planning and for monitoring. Organizations, such as an immunization program, define objectives based on their mission. They determine the attributes that would indicate they are meeting their objectives at an agreed-upon level of quality. Based on those attributes, they are able to identify the work functions that are needed to produce quality outputs as well as the competencies that are needed to do the work. Competencies inform key aspects of the human resources function in an organization. Competencies can be used to determine whether work functions are being accomplished to the standards of quality that have been set, and can demonstrate if the organization is meeting its objectives.


  • Anglais




  • Gestion de programme


  • Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS)


  • RH
  • Planification, budgétisation et financement
  • Conception de systèmes

Références sur le sujet


Global routine immunization strategies and practices (GRISP)World Health Organization (WHO)GuidanceAnglais
Guiding Principles for recovering, building resiliency, and strengthening of immunization in 2022 and beyondWorld Health Organization (WHO)2022GuidanceAnglais
Leave No One Behind: Guidance for planning and implementing catch-up vaccinationWorld Health Organization (WHO)2020GuidanceAnglais, Français, Portuguais
Ne laisser personne de côté : Directives pour la planification et la mise en œuvre de la vaccination de rattrapageWorld Health Organization (WHO)2020GuidanceAnglais, Français, Portuguais
New Vaccine Post-Introduction Evaluation ToolWorld Health Organization (WHO)2010GuidanceAnglais
Periodic Intensification of Routine Immunisation (PIRI): Lessons learned and implications for actionWorld Health Organization (WHO)PresentationAnglais
Principes directeurs de la reprise, de la promotion de la résilience et du renforcement de la vaccination en 2022 et au-delàWorld Health Organization (WHO)2022GuidanceFrançais
Principles and considerations for adding a vaccine to a national immunization programme - From decision to implementation and monitoringWorld Health Organization (WHO)2014GuidanceAnglais
Reducing pain at the time of vaccination: WHO position paperWorld Health Organization (WHO)2015Journal articleAnglais, Français
Standard Competencies Framework for the Immunization Workforce, Developing standardized competencies to strengthen immunization systems and workforceWorld Health Organization (WHO)GuidanceAnglais
WHO recommendations for routine immunization - summary tablesWorld Health Organization (WHO)RepositoryAnglais

Ajouté par: Abdulrasheed Yusuf

Ajouté le: 2022-04-02 08:33:42

Consultations: 908

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