
WHO Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Costing Tool (C4P)

WHO IVB has developed a generic costing and planning tool for cervical cancer prevention and control. The WHO Cervical Cancer Prevention and Costing (C4P) tool has been developed specifically to assist low and middle income countries (LMICs) in planning cervical cancer control strategies. The tool has been built in MS Excel and consists of two independent modules:

- HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccination of 9-13 year old girls.

- Cervical cancer screening and treatment for women.

Both modules generate financial and economic costing estimates for programmes, either to project future costs or to retrospectively evaluate programme spending. The output is displayed in terms of total cost, cost per fully immunised girl (FIG), and cost per dose. Costs are also broken down by cost component and recurrent/capital costs; see the user guide for further information. The tool also provides access to transparent underlying calculations and assumptions. The tool is pre-populated with the required data, and linked to data sources.


  • Anglais
  • Français






  • Gestion de programme

Références sur le sujet


Guide to introducing HPV vaccine into national immunization programmesWorld Health Organization (WHO)2016GuidancePortuguais
HPV Vaccine Communication: Special considerations for a unique vaccineChristine McNab, Tracey Goodman, Susan WangGuidanceAnglais
HPV Vaccine Introduction Clearing HouseWorld Health Organization (WHO)1960RepositoryAnglais
Human papillomavirus vaccines: WHO position paper, December 2022World Health Organization (WHO)GuidanceArabe, Chinois, Anglais, Français, Russe, Espagnol
Lier les interventions sanitaires à l’intention des adolescents avec la vaccination anti-PVH : différentes optionsWorld Health Organization (WHO)2014GuidanceAnglais, Français, Russe, Espagnol
Options for linking health interventions for adolescents with HPV vaccinationWorld Health Organization (WHO)2014GuidanceAnglais, Français, Russe, Espagnol
PRIME cost effectiveness toolWorld Health Organization (WHO)ToolAnglais
Scaling-up HPV vaccine introductionWorld Health Organization (WHO)2016GuidanceAnglais, Français
WHO Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Costing Tool (C4P)World Health Organization (WHO)ToolAnglais, Français

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Ajouté le: 2019-03-20 15:17:03

Consultations: 1226