

Banner for HPV vaccine introduction in Senegal


  • Français

Année de publication





  • Prestation de services


  • Papillomavirus humain


  • Sénégal


  • Introduction de nouveaux vaccins

Régions de l'OMS

  • Région africaine

Références sur le sujet


Bangladesh HPV Vaccination IEC BannerPATH, Ministry of Health, Bangladesh2023Poster/infographicBengali
Bangladesh HPV Vaccination IEC InfographicGavi, the Vaccine Alliance, PATH, UNICEF, Ministry of Health, Bangladesh, World Health Organization (WHO)2023Poster/infographicBengali
Bangladesh HPV Vaccination IEC Poster 1Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO), PATH, Ministry of Health, Bangladesh2023Poster/infographicBengali
Bangladesh HPV Vaccination IEC Poster 2PATH, UNICEF, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, World Health Organization (WHO), Ministry of Health, Bangladesh2023Poster/infographicBengali
BannerMinistry of Health, Senegal2018PresentationFrançais
Communication PlanMinistry of Health, Senegal2016GuidanceFrançais
Communications workplan and timelineMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018ToolAnglais
FlyerMinistry of Health, Senegal2018PresentationFrançais
Girl focus toolkit HPV campaign resourceGirl Effect2020User guideFrançais
HPV Communications StrategyMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018GuidanceAnglais
HPV Fact SheetMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018PresentationSwahili
HPV Fact SheetMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018ToolAnglais
HPV FAQsMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018PresentationAnglais
HPV Flyer, SenegalMinistry of Health, Senegal2018PresentationFrançais
HPV Key MessagesMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018PresentationAnglais
HPV vaccination information leaflet, NHS EnglandNHSGuidanceAnglais
HPV vaccination leaflet. Sir LankaMinistry of Health, Sri Lanka2017GuidanceAnglais
HPV Vaccination Program BannerMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018PresentationSwahili
HPV Vaccination: A Guide for Planning and Designing Demand Promotion InterventionsUNICEF2024User guideAnglais
HPV Vaccine LeafletMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018PresentationSwahili
HPV vaccine posterMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018PresentationSwahili
PosterMinistry of Health, Senegal2018PresentationFrançais
Reflections on intersections between HPV vaccination and HIV prevention and care programs: Findings from Key Informant InterviewsInternational Vaccine Access Center (IVAC)2023ReportAnglais
The Vital Role of Communities: Experience from Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in TanzaniaJSI Research & Training Institute2020ReportAnglais
Tire CoverMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018PresentationSwahili
Zimbabwe Communication PlanMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2019Case studyAnglais

Ajouté par: Julie Garon

Ajouté le: 2021-04-09 03:55:15

Consultations: 1428

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