
Briefing on single-dose HPV vaccination evidence

The Single-dose HPV Vaccine Evaluation Consortium collates and synthesizes existing evidence and evaluates new data on the potential for single-dose HPV vaccination. Their goal is to inform global policy discussions and program guidance, as well as to raise awareness and understanding of its implications. The Consortium invites you to join a webinar with some of their researchers to review the recently released evidence.

This session provides updates from clinic trials, observational studies, and modelling analyses on the efficacy, immunogenicity, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness of single dose HPV vaccination. If demonstrated to be effective, single-dose HPV vaccination could facilitate new options for current national programs by simplifying delivery and lowering program costs. For low- and middle-income countries that have delayed introducing HPV vaccines because of financial, logistical or other barriers; a single-dose HPV vaccination schedule could accelerate introduction of HPV vaccines into national immunization schedules.


  • Anglais

Année de publication





  • Gestion de programme


  • Papillomavirus humain


  • PATH

Ajouté par: Moderator

Ajouté le: 2021-04-01 03:54:29

Consultations: 662

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