
COVID-19 and Influenza vaccination: Global Exchange Forum on Integrated Immunization Programs and Enhanced Pandemic Preparedness

The COVID-19 vaccination response was the fastest and largest vaccination program in history. However, this massive response strained health systems and diverted resources from essential health services. An inter-country Global Exchange Forum on Integrated Immunization Programs and Enhanced Pandemic Preparedness, organized by TFGH and US CDC and supported by WHO, UNICEF and MMGH Consulting, was held in London, UK on 18th and 19th October 2023 to discuss successes and lessons learned from COVID-19 and influenza vaccination programs.

The two objectives of the forum were to leverage experiences made with COVID-19 vaccination for integrated service delivery across the life course and to sustain the momentum for building stronger immunization platforms as part of resilient primary health care (PHC) programs; and discuss ways of enhancing pandemic preparedness. The interactive meeting consisted of plenary and panel discussions, and break-out group interactions. The World Café method and a marketplace were used for sharing innovations, tools, and new programmatic approaches.


  • Anglais

Année de publication



US CDC and The Task Force for Global Health




  • Initiatives mondiales


  • COVID-19
  • Grippe

Références sur le sujet


COVID-19 and Influenza vaccination: Global Exchange Forum on Integrated Immunization Programs and Enhanced Pandemic PreparednessCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The Task Force for Global Health2023ReportAnglais
Dalberg_After the vaccines arrive: equitable vaccination in lower income countriesLaura Herman, Lillian Kidane, Sylvia WarrenCase studyAnglais


COVID-19 and Influenza vaccination: Global Exchange Forum on Integrated Immunization Programs and Enhanced Pandemic PreparednessCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The Task Force for Global Health2023ReportAnglais

Ajouté par: Alejandro Ramirez Gonzalez

Ajouté le: 2024-02-12 09:31:16

Consultations: 726

Fichier téléchargé

Global Exchange Forum C-19 influenza integrated immunziation report London Oct2023.pdf

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