
W2 R&D Update: Enteric Vaccines

Jean-Pierre Amorij (AH Consultancy), Norman Baylor (Biologics Consulting Group), Dilara Islam (AFRIMS), Gagandeep Kang (Christian Medical College), Beth Kirkpatrick (University of Vermont College of Medicine), Calman MacLennan (BMGF), Firdausi Qadri (icddr,b)


  • Anglais

Année de publication





  • Initiatives mondiales


  • Rotavirus


  • Recherche et développement (R&D)

Références sur le sujet


P3.2 Developing Country Vaccine Manufacturers - Access to ImmunizationLakshminarayana Neti2018PresentationAnglais
*Meeting report: Global vaccine and immunization research forum, 2018Angela Hwang, B. Fenton Hall, Martin Friede, Peter Dull2019Journal articleAnglais
Agenda - GVIRF 2018GVIRF Secretariat2018PresentationAnglais
Introduction to GVIRFB. Fenton Hall2018PresentationAnglais
KN1 Beyond effectiveness: research on vaccines seen as a continuumAlejandro Cravioto2018PresentationAnglais
KN2 National and regional capacity for biotechnology research; Indian experienceMaharaj Kishan Bhan2018PresentationAnglais
P1 Progress Towards and Commonalities in Vaccine Development Against HIV, TB, and MalariaMary Marovich2018ReportAnglais
P1.1 Advanced Clinical Development of HIV VaccinesK. T. Mngadi2018PresentationAnglais
P1.2 Commonalities across vaccine development effortsPunnee Pitisuttithum2018PresentationAnglais
P1.3 Progress towards vaccines against TBGerald Voss2018PresentationAnglais
P1.4 Global Pipeline for Malaria Vaccines: Progress and Challenges to accelerate vaccine developmentFred Binka2018PresentationAnglais
P1.5 Gaps in Malaria VaccinesJ. Kevin Baird2018PresentationAnglais
P2 Innovating for EquityNarendra Arora2018ReportAnglais
P2.1 Intensified Mission Indradhanush: Addressing Equity in ImmunizationPradeep Haldar2018PresentationAnglais
P2.2 Use of Multiple Measures for Immunization Management in Migratory PopulationLin Luan2018PresentationAnglais
P2.4 Social Media Initiative in Ukraine: Analysis of Conversations on Polio, Vaccination and Routine ImmunizationAnna Postovoitova2018PresentationAnglais
P2.5 Universal Health Coverage: a people-centred approachBirgitte Giersing2018PresentationAnglais
P2.6 Strengthening Vaccination Programs among the Urban Poor: Closing the Equity GapFolake Olayinka2018PresentationAnglais
P3 Growing Developing Country Vaccine ManufactureA. A. Adeyemo2018ReportAnglais
P3.1 Vaccine Production in Developing Countries: an Economic EvaluationSyarifah Liza Munira2018PresentationAnglais
P3.3 Vaccine Manufacturing in Developing Countries: Perspectives on Approaches to Take, and Factors to Consider, towards Sustainable Manufacturing CapacityMartin Nicholson2018PresentationAnglais
P3.4 Addressing Patent Barriers to Vaccine Development & AccessKate Elder2018PresentationAnglais
P4 Regulatory Capacity, Challenges, and ConvergencesNorman W. Baylor2018ReportAnglais
P4.1 Alternative Regulatory Pathways: Opportunities and ChallengesNorman W. Baylor2018PresentationAnglais
P4.2 Benefits and Challenges: How regulators can reduce time and efforts in the case of public health emergencies?Yeowon Sohn2018PresentationAnglais
P4.3 Human Clinical Trial to Support the Development of New Vaccines: Perspective from ThailandAkanid Wapeewuttikorn2018PresentationAnglais
P5 Evidence for Decision MakingDavid Kaslow, Robert BreimanReportAnglais
P5.1 Development of WHO Full Public Health Value Propositions for vaccines to prevent infectious diseasesDavid Kaslow2018PresentationAnglais
P5.2 Evidence for Decision MakingYot Teerawattananon2018PresentationAnglais
P6 Polio Endgame: Needs and OpportunitiesRoland SutterReportAnglais
P6.1 Intro Polio Endgame: Needs and OpportunitiesRoland Sutter2018PresentationAnglais
P6.2 Global tOPV withdrawal: "The Switch" experienceAlejandro Ramirez Gonzalez2018PresentationAnglais
P6.3 Two years after the tOPV ot bOPV switch: What happened to Poliovirus Type 2?Ondrej Mach2018PresentationAnglais
P6.4 Polio Vaccines - R&D UpdatesPeter Dull2018PresentationAnglais
P6.5 Research for polio policy making: Lessons learnedRoland Sutter2018PresentationAnglais
P7 Discussion with Thought LeadersPeter Dull2018ReportAnglais
W1 Emerging Vaccine Strategies & TechnologiesPaula Bryant2018ReportAnglais
W1.1 MIMIC: an in vitro model of human immunityDon Drake2018PresentationAnglais
W1.2 New Vaccine Strategies using cytomegalovirusKlaus Früh2018PresentationAnglais
W1.3 A novel vaccine technology platform Plasmid Launched Live Attenuated Virus (PLLAV) VaccinesJohan Neyts, Kai Dallmeier2018PresentationAnglais
W2 R&D Update: Enteric VaccinesGagandeep Kang, Jean-Pierre Amorij2018ReportAnglais
W2.1 An update on rotavirus vaccinesGagandeep Kang2018PresentationAnglais
W2.2 Subunit vaccine technologies for bacterial enteric diseases: Shigella, ETEC and nontyphoidal Salmonella vaccinesCal MacLennan2018PresentationAnglais
W2.3 Controlled Human Infection Models and Enteric Vaccine DevelopmentBeth Kirkpatrick2018PresentationAnglais
W3 Pneumococcal Vaccines: Lessons Learned and the Road AheadHani Kim2018ReportAnglais
W3.1 2018 Status of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Use and ImpactKatherine L. O'Brien2018PresentationAnglais
W3.2 Rollout of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in IndiaNarendra K Arora, Pradeep Haldar2018PresentationAnglais
W3.3 The Future of Pneumococcal Conjugate VaccinesKeith Klugman2018PresentationAnglais
W4 Immunological Principles of Vaccines and VaccinationAnnie Mo, Bernhards Ogutu2018ReportAnglais
W4.1 New Approaches to Understanding Human ImmunityAnnie Mo2018PresentationAnglais

Ajouté par: Angela Hwang

Ajouté le: 2022-11-29 03:10:31

Consultations: 861

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